Javier Sanchez, DVM PhD
Javier Sanchez, DVM PhD
Professor, Centre for Veterinary Epidemiological Research, Atlantic Veterinary College
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epiR: tools for the analysis of epidemiological data
M Stevenson, T Nunes, C Heuer, J Marshall, J Sanchez, R Thornton, ...
R package version 2, 26, 2018
Secondary organic aerosol formation from the β-pinene+NO3 system: effect of humidity and peroxy radical fate
CM Boyd, J Sanchez, L Xu, AJ Eugene, T Nah, WY Tuet, MI Guzman, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (13), 7497-7522, 2015
Hepatitis C virus antibodies and liver disease in patients with porphyria cutanea tarda
M Decastro, J Sánchez, JF Herrera, A Cháves, R Durán, L García-Buey, ...
Hepatology 17 (4), 551-557, 1993
Heavy metal content of agricultural soils in a Mediterranean semiarid area: the Segura River Valley (Alicante, Spain)
MP Mendoza, CM Llopis, J Sánchez, LR Boix
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 363-372, 2006
Methods and processes of developing the strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology− veterinary (STROBE-Vet) statement
JM Sargeant, AM O'Connor, IR Dohoo, HN Erb, M Cevallos, M Egger, ...
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 134, 188-196, 2016
Measurement of fiducial and differential production cross-sections at  TeV with the ATLAS detector
M Aaboud, G Aad, B Abbott, DC Abbott, AA Abud, DK Abhayasinghe, ...
The European Physical Journal C 79 (10), 1-34, 2019
Veterinary syndromic surveillance: current initiatives and potential for development
FC Dórea, J Sanchez, CW Revie
Preventive veterinary medicine 101 (1-2), 1-17, 2011
Epidemiological study of the prevalence of allergic reactions to Hymenoptera in a rural population in the Mediterranean area
Fernandez, Blanca, Soriano, Sanchez, Juarez
Clinical & Experimental Allergy 29 (8), 1069-1074, 1999
Meta-analysis of the effect of oral selenium supplementation on milk selenium concentration in cattle
A Ceballos, J Sánchez, H Stryhn, JB Montgomery, HW Barkema, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 92 (1), 324-342, 2009
Fertilidad de suelos y nutrición mineral de plantas
J Sánchez
FERTITEC SA, 1-19, 2007
A meta-analysis of the milk-production response after anthelmintic treatment in naturally infected adult dairy cows
J Sanchez, I Dohoo, J Carrier, L DesCôteaux
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 63 (3-4), 237-256, 2004
Photochemical Aging of α-pinene and β-pinene Secondary Organic Aerosol formed from Nitrate Radical Oxidation
T Nah, J Sanchez, CM Boyd, NL Ng
Environmental science & technology 50 (1), 222-231, 2016
Multi-criteria decision analysis tools for prioritising emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases associated with climate change in Canada
R Cox, J Sanchez, CW Revie
PloS one 8 (8), e68338, 2013
Explanation and elaboration document for the STROBE‐vet statement: Strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology–veterinary extension
AM O'Connor, JM Sargeant, IR Dohoo, HN Erb, M Cevallos, M Egger, ...
Zoonoses and public health 63 (8), 662-698, 2016
Herd-and cow-level risk factors associated with subclinical mastitis in dairy farms from the High Plains of the northern Antioquia, Colombia
NF Ramírez, G Keefe, I Dohoo, J Sánchez, O Arroyave, J Cerón, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 97 (7), 4141-4150, 2014
Intramuscular variation of fiber types in the brachial biceps and the lateral vastus muscles of elderly men: how representative is a small biopsy sample?
E Nygaard, J Sanchez
The Anatomical Record 203 (4), 451-459, 1982
Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on ischemic stroke admissions and in-hospital mortality in North-West Spain
HT Meza, Á Lambea Gil, AS Saldaña, M Martínez-Zabaleta, PR Juez, ...
International Journal of Stroke 15 (7), 755-762, 2020
Parameterization of the duration of infection stages of serotype O foot-and-mouth disease virus: an analytical review and meta-analysis with application to simulation models
F Mardones, A Perez, J Sanchez, M Alkhamis, T Carpenter
Veterinary research 41 (4), 2010
High altitude tissue adaptation in Andean coots: capillarity, fibre area, fibre type and enzymatic activities of skeletal muscle
F León-Velarde, J Sanchez, AX Bigard, A Brunet, C Lesty, C Monge-C
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 163, 52-58, 1993
Test characteristics from latent-class models of the California Mastitis Test
CJ Sanford, GP Keefe, J Sanchez, RT Dingwell, HW Barkema, KE Leslie, ...
Preventive veterinary medicine 77 (1-2), 96-108, 2006
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Articles 1–20