Anna N Baglione, PhD
Anna N Baglione, PhD
Stanson Health
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Boosting for Postpartum Depression Prediction
S Natarajan, A Prabhakar, N Ramanan, A Baglione, K Connelly, K Siek
The Second IEEE/ACM Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems …, 2017
Modern bereavement: a model for complicated grief in the digital age
AN Baglione, MM Girard, M Price, J Clawson, PC Shih
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
A framework for understanding the relationship between social media discourse and mental health
S Mendu, A Baglione, S Baee, C Wu, B Ng, A Shaked, G Clore, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 4 (CSCW2), 1-23, 2020
Leveraging mobile sensing and machine learning for personalized mental health care
M Boukhechba, AN Baglione, LE Barnes
Ergonomics in design 28 (4), 18-23, 2020
Gamification of ehealth interventions to increase user engagement and reduce attrition
J de Paiva Azevedo, H Delaney, MK Epperson, C Jbeili, S Jensen, ...
2019 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS), 1-5, 2019
Not Another Medication Adherence App: Critical Reflections on Addressing Public HIV-related Stigma Through Design
JF Maestre, P Zdziarska, A Min, A Baglione, CF Chung, PC Shih
23rd ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social …, 2020
Understanding the technological practices and needs of music therapists
AN Baglione, MP Clemens, JF Maestre, A Min, L Dahl, PC Shih
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5 (CSCW1), 1-25, 2021
Increasing engagement in ehealth interventions using personalization and implementation intentions
C Burley, D Anderson, A Brownlee, G Lafer, T Luong, M McGowan, ...
2020 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS), 1-5, 2020
Mobile technologies for grief support: prototyping an application to support the bereaved
AN Baglione, MM Girard, M Price, J Clawson, PC Shih
Workshop on Interactive Systems in Health Care (WISH) at AMIA, 2017
A Framework for Addressing the Risks and Opportunities In AI-Supported Virtual Health Coaches
S Baee, M Rucker, A Baglione, MK Ameko, L Barnes
NextCoach Workshop at 14th EAI International Conference on Pervasive …, 2020
Web-based interpretation bias training to reduce anxiety: A sequential multiple-assignment randomized trial
JW Eberle, KE Daniel, S Baee, HC Behan, AL Silverman, ...
SocialText: A Framework for Understanding the Relationship between Digital Communication Patterns and Mental Health
S Mendu, M Boukhechba, A Baglione, S Baee, C Wu, L Barnes
SCSN 2019 : International Workshop on Semantic Computing for Social Networks …, 2019
Understanding the relationship between mood symptoms and mobile app engagement among patients with breast cancer using machine learning: case study
AN Baglione, L Cai, A Bahrini, I Posey, M Boukhechba, PI Chow
JMIR Medical Informatics 10 (6), e30712, 2022
Cognitive bias modification for threat interpretations: using passive Mobile Sensing to detect intervention effects in daily life
KE Daniel, S Mendu, A Baglione, L Cai, BA Teachman, LE Barnes, ...
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping 35 (3), 298-312, 2022
Leveraging mobile sensing to understand and develop intervention strategies to improve medication adherence
AN Baglione, J Gong, M Boukhechba, KJ Wells, LE Barnes
IEEE pervasive computing 19 (3), 24-36, 2020
Design Implications to Support Integrative Medicine in Pregnancy Care
A Zakeresfahani, M Everhart, AN Baglione, M Castellanos Llorca, V Grant, ...
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6 (CSCW2), 1-32, 2022
Minimal effect of messaging on engagement in a digital anxiety intervention.
AL Silverman, JM Boggs, JW Eberle, M Baldwin, HC Behan, A Baglione, ...
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 54 (3), 252, 2023
mHealth for Medication and Side Effect Monitoring: Patients’ Attitudes Toward Smart Devices for Managing Oral Chemotherapy During Lung Cancer Treatment
AN Baglione, S Tolman, C Dapaah, D Johnson, KJ Wells, RD Hall, ...
International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare …, 2022
Modeling User Behavior in Context: A Systems-Level Approach to Mobile Health
AN Baglione
University of Virginia, 2022
P45. 16 Adverse Event Burden of Oral Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in EGFR and ALK Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
D Riley, N Kaur, A Baglione, R Hall, L Barnes, R Gentzler
Journal of Thoracic Oncology 16 (10), S1092, 2021
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Articles 1–20