Jennifer White
Cited by
Cited by
Critical suicidology: Transforming suicide research and prevention for the 21st century
J White, I Marsh, MJ Kral, J Morris
UBC Press, 2015
Knowing, doing and being in context: A praxis-oriented approach to child and youth care
J White
Child & Youth Care Forum 36, 225-244, 2007
The silent epidemic of male suicide.
D Bilsker, J White
British Columbia medical journal 53 (10), 2011
The mental health and well-being of Aboriginal children and youth: Guidance for new approaches and services
B Mussell, K Cardiff, J White
Children's Health Policy Centre, 2004
What can critical suicidology do?
J White
Death studies 41 (8), 472-480, 2017
Relational inquiries and the research interview: Mentoring future researchers
ML Hoskins, J White
Qualitative Inquiry 19 (3), 179-188, 2013
Why an alternative to suicide prevention gatekeeper training is needed for rural Indigenous communities: presenting an empowering community storytelling approach
L Wexler, J White, B Trainor
Critical public health 25 (2), 205-217, 2015
Youth suicide as a “wild” problem: Implications for prevention practice
J White
Suicidology online 3 (1), 42-50, 2012
Rethinking suicide
J White, I Marsh, MJ Kral, J Morris
Critical suicidology: Re-thinking suicide research and prevention for the …, 2016
Re-thinking youth suicide: Language, culture, and power
J White, MJ Kral
Journal for Social Action in Counseling & Psychology 6 (1), 122-142, 2014
Precarious spaces: Risk, responsibility and uncertainty in school-based suicide prevention programs
J White, J Morris
Social Science & Medicine 71 (12), 2187-2194, 2010
Shaking up suicidology
J White
Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 4 (6), 1-4, 2015
Working in the midst of ideological and cultural differences: Critically reflecting on youth suicide prevention in Indigenous communities
J White
Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy 41 (4), 2007
Understanding depression in adolescents: A dynamic psychosocial web of risk and protective factors
W Kassis, S Artz, J White
Child & Youth Care Forum 46, 721-743, 2017
Qualitative evidence in suicide ideation, attempts, and suicide prevention
J White
Handbook of qualitative health research for evidence-based practice, 335-354, 2016
Aboriginal youth: A manual of promising suicide prevention strategies
JH White, N Jodoin
Centre for Suicide Prevention, 2004
Reimagining youth suicide prevention
J White
Critical suicidology: Transforming suicide research and prevention for the …, 2016
Re-thinking ethics and politics in suicide prevention: Bringing narrative ideas into dialogue with critical suicide studies
J White, J Morris
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (18), 3236, 2019
Telehealth sounds a bit challenging, but it has potential: participant and physiotherapist experiences of gym-based exercise intervention for Achilles tendinopathy monitored …
F Hasani, P Malliaras, T Haines, SE Munteanu, J White, J Ridgway, ...
BMC musculoskeletal disorders 22, 1-12, 2021
Collaborative knowledge-making in the everyday practice of youth suicide prevention education
J White, J Morris, J Hinbest
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 25 (3), 339-355, 2012
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Articles 1–20