Sharon Stein
Cited by
Cited by
Mapping interpretations of decolonization in the context of higher education
V de Oliveira Andreotti, S Stein, C Ahenakew, D Hunt
Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society 4 (1), 2015
Cash, competition, or charity: international students and the global imaginary
S Stein, VO de Andreotti
Higher Education 72 (2), 225–239, 2016
A meta-review of typologies of global citizenship education
K Pashby, M da Costa, S Stein, V Andreotti
Comparative Education 56 (2), 144-164, 2020
What counts as internationalization? Deconstructing the internationalization imperative
E Buckner, S Stein
Journal of Studies in International Education 24 (2), 151-166, 2020
Critical internationalization studies at an impasse: Making space for complexity, uncertainty, and complicity in a time of global challenges
S Stein
Studies in Higher Education 46 (9), 1771-1784, 2021
A colonial history of the higher education present: Rethinking land-grant institutions through processes of accumulation and relations of conquest
S Stein
Critical Studies in Education 61 (2), 212-228, 2020
Decolonization and higher education
S Stein, V de Oliveira Andreotti
Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory, 370–375, 2016
The Persistent Challenges of Addressing Epistemic Dominance in Higher Education: Considering the Case of Curriculum Internationalization
S Stein
Comparative Education Review, 2017
Internationalization for an Uncertain Future: Tensions, Paradoxes, and Possibilities
S Stein
The Review of Higher Education 41 (1), 3-32, 2017
Towards different conversations about the internationalization of higher education
S Stein, V Andreotti, J Bruce, R Suša
Comparative and International Education/Éducation Comparée et Internationale …, 2016
Beyond Higher Education as We Know it: Gesturing Towards Decolonial Horizons of Possibility
S Stein
Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (2), 143-161, 2019
Mobilising different conversations about global justice in education: toward alternative futures in uncertain times
V Andreotti, S Stein, A Sutherland, KL Pashby, R Susa, S Amsler
Policy & practice: A development education review 26, 9-41, 2018
From “education for sustainable development” to “education for the end of the world as we know it”
S Stein, V Andreotti, R Suša, C Ahenakew, T Čajková
Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (3), 274-287, 2022
Social cartographies as performative devices in research on higher education
V de Oliveira Andreotti, S Stein, K Pashby, M Nicolson
Higher Education Research & Development 35 (1), 84-99, 2016
Mapping Global Citizenship
S Stein
Journal of College and Character 16 (4), 242-252, 2015
Gesturing towards decolonial futures: Reflections on our learnings thus far
S Stein, V Andreotti, R Suša, S Amsler, D Hunt, C Ahenakew, E Jimmy, ...
Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE) 4 (1), 43-65, 2020
Higher Education and the Modern/Colonial Global Imaginary
S Stein, V de Oliveira Andreotti
Cultural Studies↔ Critical Methodologies, 1532708616672673, 2016
Reimagining global citizenship education for a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world
S Stein
Globalisation, Societies and Education 19 (4), 482-495, 2021
‘Beyond 2015’, within the modern/colonial global imaginary? Global development and higher education
S Stein, VO Andreotti, R Suša
Critical Studies in Education 60 (3), 281-301, 2019
The Educational Challenge of Unraveling the Fantasies of Ontological Security
S Stein, D Hunt, R Suša, V de Oliveira Andreotti
Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education 11 (2), 69-79, 2017
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Articles 1–20