Simone Raschia
Simone Raschia
STS Mobile S.r.l.
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A procedure for characterizing the curing process of cold recycled bitumen emulsion mixtures
A Graziani, C Iafelice, S Raschia, D Perraton, A Carter
Construction and Building Materials 173, 754-762, 2018
Aging effects on recycled WMA porous asphalt mixtures
F Frigio, S Raschia, D Steiner, B Hofko, F Canestrari
Construction and Building Materials 123, 712-718, 2016
Effect of gradation on volumetric and mechanical properties of cold recycled mixtures (CRM)
S Raschia, C Mignini, A Graziani, A Carter, D Perraton, M Vaillancourt
Road Materials and Pavement Design 20 (sup2), S740-S754, 2019
Laboratory mechanical characterisation of cold recycled mixtures produced with different RAP sources
S Raschia, A Graziani, A Carter, D Perraton
Road Materials and Pavement Design 20 (sup1), S233-S246, 2019
Influence of low production temperatures on compactability and mechanical properties of cold recycled mixtures
S Raschia, D Perraton, A Graziani, A Carter
Construction and Building Materials 232, 117169, 2020
Use of fine aggregate matrix to analyze the rheological behavior of cold recycled materials
A Graziani, S Raschia, C Mignini, A Carter, D Perraton
Materials and Structures 53, 1-16, 2020
Effect of water and cement content on the mechanical properties of cold recycled mixtures (CRM) with bitumen emulsion
S Raschia, T Chauhan, S Panwar, A Carter, A Graziani, D Perraton
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Asphalt Pavements …, 2020
Use of alternative aggregates for the production of hot-mix asphalt surface layers: A performance evaluation
S Raschia, S Tattolo
Construction and Building Materials 345, 128369, 2022
Effect of rap source on compactability and behavior of cold-recycled mixtures in the small strain domain
S Raschia, TB Moghaddam, D Perraton, H Baaj, A Carter, A Graziani
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 33 (4), 04021030, 2021
Thermo-rheological modelling of cement-bitumen treated materials in the small strain domain
S Raschia, H Di Benedetto, S Lamothe, A Carter, A Graziani, D Perraton
Transportation Geotechnics 31, 100647, 2021
Influence of curing on the mechanical properties of cement-bitumen treated materials using foamed bitumen: An interlaboratory test program
M Pasetto, E Pasquini, A Baliello, S Raschia, A Rahmanbeiki, A Carter, ...
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Maintenance and …, 2020
Influence of RAP source and nominal maximum size on volumetric and physical properties of cement-bitumen treated materials
S Raschia, A Graziani, A Carter, D Perraton
paper presentation, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2019
Recycled glass filler in cold recycled materials treated with bituminous emulsion
S Raschia, S Badeli, A Carter, A Graziani, D Perraton
Transportation Research Board 97th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2018
Evaluation of high percentage of alternative aggregates for the production of hot mix asphalt surface layers
S Raschia, S Tattolo, A Rilievi
Road Materials and Pavement Design 25 (sup1), 56-71, 2024
Experimental investigation on water loss and stiffness of CBTM using different RA sources
A Grilli, S Raschia, D Perraton, A Carter, A Rahmanbeiki, ...
RILEM International Symposium on Bituminous Materials, 11-17, 2020
these proceedings
SH Saar
Effect of reclaimed asphalt gradation on bitumen emulsion mixtures
S Raschia, D Perraton, A Carter, A Graziani, M Vaillancourt
2018 International Society for Asphalt Pavements (ISAP), 2018
Visco-Elasto-Plastic characterization in the small strain domain of cement bitumen–treated materials produced at Low temperatures
S Raschia, D Perraton, H Di Benedetto, S Lamothe, A Graziani, A Carter
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 33 (4), 04021039, 2021
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements—Mairepav9
C Raab
Springer Nature, 2020
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Asphalt Pavements & Environment (APE)
M Pasetto, MN Partl, G Tebaldi
Springer Nature, 2019
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Articles 1–20