Julie C. Laurin
Julie C. Laurin
Associate Professor, Université de Montréal
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Early forms of controlling parenting and the development of childhood anxiety
JC Laurin, M Joussemet, RE Tremblay, M Boivin
Journal of Child and Family Studies 24, 3279-3292, 2015
Child Care Services, Socioeconomic Inequalities, and Academic Performance
JC Laurin, MC Geoffroy, M Boivin, C Japel, MF Raynault, RE Tremblay, ...
Pediatrics 136 (6), 1-13, 2015
Parental autonomy-supportive practices and toddlers’ rule internalization: A prospective observational study
JC Laurin, M Joussemet
Motivation and Emotion 41, 562-575, 2017
Toddler temperament, parent stress, and autonomy support
E Andreadakis, JC Laurin, M Joussemet, GA Mageau
Journal of Child and Family Studies 29, 3029-3043, 2020
Testing the impact of a social skill training versus waiting list control group for the reduction of disruptive behaviors and stress among preschool children in child care: the …
SM Côté, MP Larose, MC Geoffroy, J Laurin, F Vitaro, RE Tremblay, ...
BMC psychology 5, 1-9, 2017
Conditional regard, stress, and dyadic adjustment in primiparous couples: A dyadic analysis perspective
A Cournoyer, JC Laurin, MÈ Daspe, S Laniel, AS Huppé
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 38 (5), 1472-1494, 2021
Dyadic Association Between New Parents' Mindfulness and Relationship Satisfaction: Mediating Role of Perceived Stress
L Morin, JC Laurin, M Doucerin, S Grégoire
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, …, 2023
The mediating role of basic psychological needs satisfaction in the relationship between trait mindfulness and psychological distress in clinical trainees
R Renault, JC Laurin, B Khoury, C Spinelli
Counselling Psychology Quarterly 36 (3), 485-502, 2023
A Multilevel Diary and Dyadic Study Exploring the Link Between New Parents’ Mindfulness and Relationship Satisfaction
L Morin, JC Laurin, M Doucerain, S Grégoire
Mindfulness 15 (9), 2330-2346, 2024
La dépression parentale et conséquences sur la coparentalité
JC Laurin, R Perrier, S Laniel, L Morin
Enfants de parents ayant un trouble mental: enjeux et implications cliniques …, 2021
Parenting, self-regulation and childhood anxiety : A Self-Determination Theory perspective
JC Laurin
Université de Montréal, 2014
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Articles 1–11