Matthew Mitchell
Matthew Mitchell
Postdoctoral Fellow, New York University Abu Dhabi
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Cited by
Impaired learning of predators and lower prey survival under elevated CO2: a consequence of neurotransmitter interference
DP Chivers, MI McCormick, GE Nilsson, PL Munday, SA Watson, ...
Global change biology 20 (2), 515-522, 2014
Aerobic scope predicts dominance during early life in a tropical damselfish
SS Killen, MD Mitchell, JL Rummer, DP Chivers, MCO Ferrari, ...
Functional Ecology 28 (6), 1367-1376, 2014
To fear or to feed: the effects of turbidity on perception of risk by a marine fish
SM Leahy, MI McCormick, MD Mitchell, MCO Ferrari
Biology letters 7 (6), 811-813, 2011
Mechanisms underlying the control of responses to predator odours in aquatic prey
MCOF MD Mitchell, KR Bairos-Novak
Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (11), 1937-1946, 2017
Background level of risk determines how prey categorize predators and non-predators
DP Chivers, MI McCormick, MD Mitchell, RA Ramasamy, MCO Ferrari
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1787), 20140355, 2014
Coral reef fish rapidly learn to identify multiple unknown predators upon recruitment to the reef
MD Mitchell, MI McCormick, MCO Ferrari, DP Chivers
PLoS ONE 6 (1), e15764, 2011
Friend or foe? The role of latent inhibition in predator and non-predator labelling by coral reef fishes
MD Mitchell, MI McCormick, MCO Ferrari, DP Chivers
Animal cognition 14 (5), 707-714, 2011
At odds with the group: changes in lateralization and escape performance reveal conformity and conflict in fish schools
DP Chivers, MI McCormick, BJM Allan, MD Mitchell, EJ Gonçalves, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 283, 20161127, 2016
Chemical alarm cues are conserved within the coral reef fish family Pomacentridae
MD Mitchell, PF Cowman, MI McCormick
PLoS ONE 7 (10), e47428, 2012
Temperature and food availability affect risk assessment in an ectotherm
GDH Lienart, MD Mitchell, MCO Ferrari, MI McCormick
Animal Behaviour 89, 199-204, 2014
Generalization of learned predator recognition in coral reef ecosystems: how cautious are damselfish?
MD Mitchell, MI McCormick, DP Chivers, MCO Ferrari
Functional Ecology 27 (2), 299-304, 2013
Non-consumptive effects in fish predator–prey interactions on coral reefs
MD Mitchell, AR Harborne
Coral Reefs 39 (4), 867-884, 2020
Living in a risk world: the onset and ontogeny of an integrated antipredator phenotype in a coral reef fish
MCO Ferrari, MI McCormick, BJM Allan, RA Choi, Rebbeca, Ramasamy, ...
Scientific Reports 5, 15537, 2015
Learning to distinguish between predators and non-predators: understanding the critical role of diet cues and predator odours in generalisation
MD Mitchell, MI Chivers, Douglas P, McCormick, MCO Ferrari
Scientific reports 5, 2015
Prenatal exposure to predation affects predator recognition learning via lateralization plasticity
T Lucon-Xiccato, DP Chivers, MD Mitchell, MCO Ferrari
Behavioral Ecology, arw155, 2016
Living on the edge: How does environmental risk affect the behavioural and cognitive ecology of prey?
MD Mitchell, DP Chivers, GE Brown, MCO Ferrari
Animal Behaviour 115, 185-192, 2016
Ontogenetic differences in chemical alarm cue production determine antipredator responses and learned predator recognition
MD Mitchell, MI McCormick
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67, 1123-1129, 2013
Background risk influences learning but not generalization of predators
DP Chivers, MD Mitchell, T Lucon-Xiccato, GE Brown, MCO Ferrari
Animal Behaviour 121, 185-189, 2016
Daily variation in behavioural lateralization is linked to predation stress in a coral reef fish
MCO Ferrari, MI McCormick, MD Mitchell, BJM Allan, EJ Gonçalves, ...
Animal Behaviour 133, 189-193, 2017
Trust thy neighbour in times of trouble: background risk alters how tadpoles release and respond to disturbance cues
KR Bairos-Novak, MD Mitchell, AL Crane, DP Chivers, MCO Ferrari
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1863), 20171465, 2017
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Articles 1–20