Jason Barker Ph.D.
Jason Barker Ph.D.
US Forest Service Enterprise
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Evidence of a strong coupling between root exudation, C and N availability, and stimulated SOM decomposition caused by rhizosphere priming effects
P Bengtson, J Barker, SJ Grayston
Ecology and evolution 2 (8), 1843-1852, 2012
Functional complementarity of Douglas‐fir ectomycorrhizas for extracellular enzyme activity after wildfire or clearcut logging
MD Jones, BD Twieg, V Ward, J Barker, DM Durall, SW Simard
Functional Ecology 24 (5), 1139-1151, 2010
Ectomycorrhizal fungal community assembly on regenerating Douglas-fir after wildfire and clearcut harvesting
JS Barker, SW Simard, MD Jones, DM Durall
Oecologia 172, 1179-1189, 2013
Decomposition of Douglas-fir coarse woody debris in response to differing moisture content and initial heterotrophic colonization
JS Barker
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (3-4), 598-604, 2008
Transforming plant carbon into soil carbon: Process-level controls on carbon sequestration
JK Whalen, S Gul, V Poirier, SF Yanni, MJ Simpson, JS Clemente, X Feng, ...
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94 (6), 1065-1073, 2014
Limited effects of variable-retention harvesting on fungal communities decomposing fine roots in coastal temperate rainforests
TJ Philpott, JS Barker, CE Prescott, SJ Grayston
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84 (3), e02061-17, 2018
Clearcutting and high severity wildfire have comparable effects on growth of direct-seeded interior Douglas-fir
JS Barker, SW Simard, MD Jones
Forest ecology and management 331, 188-195, 2014
The effects of crown scorch on post-fire delayed mortality are modified by drought exposure in California (USA)
JS Barker, AN Gray, JS Fried
Fire 5 (1), 21, 2022
Evaluating model predictions of fire induced tree mortality using wildfire-affected forest inventory measurements
JS Barker, JS Fried, AN Gray
Forests 10 (11), 958, 2019
National regeneration potential of Douglas-fir following wildfire and clearcut harvesting
JS Barker
University of British Columbia, 2010
Retention trees slow post-harvest fine-root decomposition in a coastal temperate rainforest
TJ Philpott, JS Barker, CE Prescott, SJ Grayston
Forest Ecology and Management 430, 431-444, 2018
Indirect microbial effects on methane flux are stronger when the environmental influence is weaker in a temperate forest ecosystem
JS Barker, JR Christiansen, S Grayston
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 105, 92-95, 2017
USDA Forest Service, PNW Research Station
JS Fried, VJ Monleon, J Barker
Pathways to post-fire tree mortality: Structural equation modelling reveals drivers of delayed mortality
J Barker, J Fried, AN Gray
2017 ESA Annual Meeting (August 6--11), 2017
Observing and modeling links between soil moisture, microbes and CH4 fluxes from forest soils
J Christiansen, D Levy-Booth, J Barker, C Prescott, S Grayston
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 16428, 2017
The effects of moisture content and initial heterotrophic colonization on the decomposition of coarse woody debris
JS Barker
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Articles 1–16