Marie-Chantal Fortin
Marie-Chantal Fortin
Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Université de Montréal
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Increased risk of thrombotic microangiopathy in patients receiving a cyclosporin–sirolimus combination
MC Fortin, MA Raymond, F Madore, JA Fugère, M Pâquet, G St-Louis, ...
American Journal of Transplantation 4 (6), 946-952, 2004
Serum concentrations and clearances of folic acid and pyridoxal-5′-phosphate during venovenous continuous renal replacement therapy
MC Fortin, SL Amyot, D Geadah, M Leblanc
Intensive care medicine 25, 594-598, 1999
Deceased organ and tissue donation after medical assistance in dying and other conscious and competent donors: guidance for policy
J Downar, SD Shemie, C Gillrie, MC Fortin, A Appleby, DZ Buchman, ...
Cmaj 191 (22), E604-E613, 2019
Policy statement of Canadian Society of Transplantation and Canadian Society of Nephrology on organ trafficking and transplant tourism
JS Gill, A Goldberg, GVR Prasad, MC Fortin, TB Hansen, A Levin, J Gill, ...
Transplantation 90 (8), 817-820, 2010
The enigmatic nature of altruism in organ transplantation: a cross-cultural study of transplant physicians' views on altruism
MC Fortin, M Dion-Labrie, MJ Hébert, H Doucet
BMC Research Notes 3, 1-5, 2010
Organ donation after medical assistance in dying or cessation of life-sustaining treatment requested by conscious patients: the Canadian context
J Allard, MC Fortin
Journal of Medical ethics 43 (9), 601-605, 2017
Differences in psychosocial profiles between men and women living kidney donors
M Achille, J Soos, MC Fortin, M Pâquet, MJ Hébert
Clinical transplantation 21 (3), 314-320, 2007
Health professional–identified barriers to living donor kidney transplantation: a qualitative study
S Sandal, K Charlebois, JF Fiore Jr, DK Wright, MC Fortin, LS Feldman, ...
Canadian journal of kidney health and disease 6, 2054358119828389, 2019
Public solicitation of anonymous organ donors: a position paper by the Canadian Society of Transplantation
MC Fortin, D Buchman, L Wright, J Chandler, S Delaney, T Fairhead, ...
Transplantation 101 (1), 17-20, 2017
Is it ethical to invite compatible pairs to participate in exchange programmes?
MC Fortin
Journal of medical ethics 39 (12), 343-7, 2013
Evaluation of a preemptive strategy for BK polyomavirus-associated nephropathy based on prospective monitoring of BK viremia: a kidney transplantation center experience
E Renoult, F Coutlée, M Pâquet, G St Louis, C Girardin, MC Fortin, ...
Transplantation proceedings 42 (10), 4083-4087, 2010
The use of personalized medicine for patient selection for renal transplantation: physicians' views on the clinical and ethical implications
M Dion-Labrie, MC Fortin, MJ Hébert, H Doucet
BMC Medical Ethics 11, 1-10, 2010
Lived experiences of patients receiving hemodialysis during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study from the Quebec renal network
MF Malo, A Affdal, D Blum, F Ballesteros, W Beaubien-Souligny, ...
Kidney360 3 (6), 1057-1064, 2022
Web-based tailored intervention to support optimal medication adherence among kidney transplant recipients: pilot parallel-group randomized controlled trial
J Côté, MC Fortin, P Auger, G Rouleau, S Dubois, N Boudreau, I Vaillant, ...
JMIR formative research 2 (2), e9707, 2018
First Canadian case report of kidney transplantation from an HIV-positive donor to an HIV-positive recipient
G Ambaraghassi, H Cardinal, D Corsilli, C Fortin, MC Fortin, ...
Canadian Journal of Kidney Health and Disease 4, 2054358117695792, 2017
Reciprocity to increase participation of compatible living donor and recipient pairs in kidney paired donation
JS Gill, K Tinckam, MC Fortin, C Rose, K Shick-Makaroff, K Young, ...
American Journal of Transplantation 17 (7), 1723-1728, 2017
Should we perform kidney transplants on foreign nationals?
MC Fortin, B Williams-Jones
Journal of medical ethics 40 (12), 821-826, 2014
Are ‘anonymous’ and ‘non-directed’prerequisites for living altruistic donation? The views of transplant physicians from France and Québec
MC Fortin, M Dion-Labrie, MJ Hébert, M Achille, H Doucet
Social science & medicine 67 (1), 147-151, 2008
Resting energy expenditure in the parenterally fed pediatric population with Crohn's disease
K Cormier, D Mager, L Bannister, M Fortin, H Richards, C Jackson, ...
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 29 (2), 102-107, 2005
Perspectives of patients, caregivers and researchers on research priorities in donation and transplantation in Canada: a pilot workshop
J Allard, C Durand, SJ Anthony, V Dumez, D Hartell, MJ Hébert, LJ West, ...
Transplantation Direct 3 (2), e127, 2017
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