Comparative tax law V Thuronyi, K Brooks Kluwer Law International BV, 2016 | 459 | 2016 |
Teaching with cases D Dunne Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2004 | 94 | 2004 |
Tax sparing: A needed incentive for foreign investment in low-income countries or an unnecessary revenue sacrifice K Brooks Queen's LJ 34, 505, 2008 | 72 | 2008 |
Microaggressions experienced by LGBTQ academics in Canada:“just not fitting in… it does take a toll” BL Beagan, T Mohamed, K Brooks, B Waterfield, M Weinberg International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 34 (3), 197-212, 2021 | 68 | 2021 |
The troubling role of tax treaties K Brooks, R Krever Tax design issues worldwide, Series on International Taxation 51, 159-178, 2015 | 57 | 2015 |
Queer theory: Law, culture, empire R Leckey, K Brooks Routledge, 2010 | 56 | 2010 |
Counting Outsiders: A Critical Exploration of Outsider Course Enrollment in Canadian Legal Education N Bakht, K Brooks, G Calder, J Koshan, Mathen, Parkes Osgoode Hall LJ 4 (2), 667-732, 2007 | 50* | 2007 |
Queering Legal Education: A Project of Theoretical Discovery K Brooks, D Parkes Harv. Women's LJ 27, 89, 2004 | 49* | 2004 |
Inter-nation equity: The development of an important but underappreciated international tax policy objective K Brooks Tax reform in the 21st century, 471, 2009 | 46 | 2009 |
Learning to Live with an Imperfect Tax: A Defence of the Corporate Tax K Brooks U. Brit. Colum. L. Rev. 36, 621, 2003 | 25* | 2003 |
Canadian Income Tax Law D Duff, B Alarie, K Brooks, G Loomer, L Philipps Edmond Montgomery, 2003 | 24 | 2003 |
The potential of multilateral tax treaties K Brooks Tax Treaties: Building Bridges between Law and Economics, Michael Lang et …, 2010 | 20 | 2010 |
Delimiting the concept of income: The taxation of in-kind benefits K Brooks McGill LJ 49, 255, 2003 | 18 | 2003 |
Global distributive justice: The potential for a feminist analysis of international tax revenue allocation K Brooks Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 21 (2), 267-297, 2009 | 17 | 2009 |
Canada's evolving tax treaty policy toward low-income countries K Brooks GLOBALIZATION AND THE IMPACT OF TAX ON INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTS, Arthur J …, 2009 | 14 | 2009 |
Valuing women's work in the home: A defining moment K Brooks Can. J. Women & L. 17, 177, 2005 | 12 | 2005 |
A Reasonable Balance: Revenue Authority Discretions and the Rule of Law in Canada K Brooks The Delicate Balance: Tax, Discretion and the Rule of Law, 63-77, 2011 | 11* | 2011 |
Bridging the gender divide K Gill, K Brooks, J McDougall, P Patel, A Kes | 11 | 2010 |
Justice Bertha Wilson: One Woman’s Difference K Brooks University of British Columbia Press, 2010 | 10 | 2010 |
Tax Treaty Treatment of Royalty Payments from Low-Income Countries: A Comparison of Canada and Australia's Policies K Brooks eJounral of Tax Research 5 (2), 168-197, 2007 | 10 | 2007 |