Benjamin Nanchen
Benjamin Nanchen
Service Management & Engineering - HES-SO
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Expectation and experience: Passenger acceptance of autonomous public transportation vehicles
G Eden, B Nanchen, R Ramseyer, F Evéquoz
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2017: 16th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2017
On the road with an autonomous passenger shuttle: Integration in public spaces
G Eden, B Nanchen, R Ramseyer, F Evéquoz
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference extended abstracts on human factors …, 2017
Performing service design experiments using ethnomethodology and theatre-based reenactment: a Swiss ski resort case study
E Fragnière, B Nanchen, M Sitten
Service Science 4 (2), 89-100, 2012
Innover avec et pour les personnes en situation de handicap. Vers une approche transdisciplinaire de co-innovation
B Nanchen, S Rullac, E Fragnière, S Sandoz, R Weissbrodt
Alter. European Journal of Disability Research, 69-84, 2023
Perceptions of people with special needs regarding autonomous vehicles and implication on the design of mobility as a service to foster social inclusion
B Nanchen, R Ramseyer, S Grèzes, M Wyer, A Gervaix, D Juon, ...
Frontiers in human dynamics 3, 751258, 2022
Putting the customer back in the center of SOA with service design and user-centered design
A Saini, B Nanchen, F Evequoz
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing: Second European Conference, ESOCC 2013 …, 2013
Service Design and Educational Challenges to Foster Innovation in Tourism: the case of the Swiss Matterhorn Region
E Fragnière, R Ramseyer, V Grèzes, P Kuonen, B Nanchen, JM Sahut
Gestion 2000 34 (1), 203-213, 2017
Improving the accessibility of touristic destinations with an assistive technology for hiking applying universal design principles through service design
B Nanchen, P Margot-Cattin, R Ramseyer, R Schegg
Proceedings of the 17th International conference on computers helping people …, 2020
Fieldwork analysis of figurants' involvement in an airplane crash simulation in order to improve the realism of the exercise
E Fragnière, B Nanchen, R Ramseyer, P Kuonen, B Larpin, PYRR Wilk
2019 8th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management …, 2019
An ethological experiment to improve airport security gate process reliability: Understanding time perception and personal awareness of older adult travelers
E Fragnière, F Cimmino, L Emery, M Héritier, M Kambly, B Nanchen, ...
2017 2nd International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS …, 2017
Using phenomenology to assess risk perception of a new technology in public transportation the case of the autonomous vehicles as mobility as a service (MaaS) in Switzerland
R Ramseyer, F Cimmino, L Emery, S Grèzes, V Grèzes, B Nanchen, ...
2018 3rd International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS …, 2018
Supporting workplace inclusion: reasonable accommodations and assistive technologies for individuals with intellectual disability
M Agius, T Heiman, G Sula, P Tsvetkova, B Nanchen, AH Tkaczyk, ...
No barriers: strategies and best practices for the employment of individuals …, 2024
Le développement inclusif, défi transdisciplinaire
S Rullac, B Nanchen, E Fragnière, S Sandoz, S Hannart, R Weissbrodt, ...
Reiso: revue d'information sociale 13, 2023
Using ethological approaches to understand skiers’ behavior in cable cars queues in order to improve overall satisfaction: an empirical study conducted in the Swiss Alps
E Fragnière, V Gaillet, B Nanchen, R Ramseyer
Exploring Services Science: 8th International Conference, IESS 2017, Rome …, 2017
Social inclusion for people with intellectual disability and on the autism spectrum through assistive technologies: Current needs and future priorities
C Sousa, P Tsvetkova, P Pérez-Fuster, M Agius, S Kostova, K Bolesta, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1-13, 2024
Developing a mutualized R&D for network organizations based on Living Lab methods: the transformation of Sion military airport into a commercial airport
E Fragnière, B Nanchen, M Héritier, R Ramseyer, M Dubosson, J Mastelic
Research and innovation conference proceedings: open living lab days 2018, 2018
Concevoir avec et pour les personnes en situation de handicap: vers une approche intégrée et transdisciplinaire de conception inclusive
B Nanchen, E Fragnière, S Hannart, N Moulin, S Rullac, R Weissbrodt, ...
Vulnérabilités et risques émergents: penser et agir ensemble pour …, 2022
Improving the Orchestration Resilience of a Smart Integrated Tourism Destination–A Case Study in the Swiss Alps
B Nanchen, A Bovier, B Golay, J Salamin, E Fragnière
Die Unternehmung 75 (1), 24-42, 2021
Orchestrating tourism actors' network via the" N-1 N+ 1 touchpoints" algorithm: a b2b chatbot to improve customer's journeys
R Ramseyer, D Calvaresi, B Nanchen, R Schegg, M Schumacher, ...
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference e-Society 2021, 2021
Le programme Innovation Booster Technologie et Handicap: une innovation sociale en soi: introduction
B Nanchen, S Bovigny-Sandoz, S Rullac
Innovation Booster Technologie et Handicap: un dispositif, des personnes …, 2024
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