Kara Patterson
Kara Patterson
Associate Professor, University of Toronto; Senior scientist Toronto Rehab - UHN
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Evaluation of gait symmetry after stroke: a comparison of current methods and recommendations for standardization
KK Patterson, WH Gage, D Brooks, SE Black, WE McIlroy
Gait & posture 31 (2), 241-246, 2010
Gait asymmetry in community-ambulating stroke survivors
KK Patterson, I Parafianowicz, CJ Danells, V Closson, MC Verrier, ...
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 89 (2), 304-310, 2008
Does perturbation-based balance training prevent falls? Systematic review and meta-analysis of preliminary randomized controlled trials
A Mansfield, JS Wong, J Bryce, S Knorr, KK Patterson
Physical therapy 95 (5), 700-709, 2015
Changes in gait symmetry and velocity after stroke: a cross-sectional study from weeks to years after stroke
KK Patterson, WH Gage, D Brooks, SE Black, WE McIlroy
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 24 (9), 783-790, 2010
Relationship between asymmetry of quiet standing balance control and walking post-stroke
J Hendrickson, KK Patterson, EL Inness, WE McIlroy, A Mansfield
Gait & Posture 39 (1), 177-181, 2014
Association between gait asymmetry and brain lesion location in stroke patients
LD Alexander, SE Black, KK Patterson, F Gao, CJ Danells, WE McIlroy
Stroke 40 (2), 537-544, 2009
Gait symmetry and velocity differ in their relationship to age
KK Patterson, NK Nadkarni, SE Black, WE McIlroy
Gait & posture 35 (4), 590-594, 2012
Longitudinal changes in poststroke spatiotemporal gait asymmetry over inpatient rehabilitation
KK Patterson, A Mansfield, L Biasin, K Brunton, EL Inness, WE McIlroy
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 29 (2), 153-162, 2015
Dance for the rehabilitation of balance and gait in adults with neurological conditions other than Parkinson's disease: a systematic review
KK Patterson, JS Wong, EC Prout, D Brooks
Heliyon 4 (3), 2018
Changes in spatiotemporal gait variables over time during a test of functional capacity after stroke
KM Sibley, A Tang, KK Patterson, D Brooks, WE McIlroy
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 6, 1-7, 2009
A dance program to improve gait and balance in individuals with chronic stroke: a feasibility study
KK Patterson, JS Wong, TU Nguyen, D Brooks
Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 25 (6), 410-416, 2018
Exoskeleton use in post-stroke gait rehabilitation: A qualitative study of the perspectives of persons post-stroke and physiotherapists
J Vaughan-Graham, D Brooks, L Rose, G Nejat, J Pons, K Patterson
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 17, 1-15, 2020
The relationship of plantar cutaneous sensation and standing balance post-stroke
SL Parsons, A Mansfield, EL Inness, KK Patterson
Topics in stroke rehabilitation 23 (5), 326-332, 2016
Validity of the ActiGraph activity monitor for individuals who walk slowly post-stroke
C Campos, VG DePaul, S Knorr, JS Wong, A Mansfield, KK Patterson
Topics in stroke rehabilitation 25 (4), 295-304, 2018
Lower limb muscle activity underlying temporal gait asymmetry post-stroke
GM Rozanski, AH Huntley, LD Crosby, A Schinkel-Ivy, A Mansfield, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 131 (8), 1848-1858, 2020
Longitudinal change in spatiotemporal gait symmetry after discharge from inpatient stroke rehabilitation
GM Rozanski, JS Wong, EL Inness, KK Patterson, A Mansfield
Disability and Rehabilitation 42 (5), 705-711, 2020
Real-time avatar-based feedback to enhance the symmetry of spatiotemporal parameters after stroke: instantaneous effects of different avatar views
S Sangani, KK Patterson, J Fung, A Lamontagne
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 28 (4 …, 2020
Oxyhemoglobin changes in the prefrontal cortex in response to cognitive tasks: a systematic review
LV Bonetti, SA Hassan, ST Lau, LT Melo, T Tanaka, KK Patterson, ...
International Journal of Neuroscience 129 (2), 194-202, 2019
Knee loading patterns of the non-paretic and paretic legs during post-stroke gait
S Marrocco, LD Crosby, IC Jones, RF Moyer, TB Birmingham, ...
Gait & posture 49, 297-302, 2016
Effects of therapeutic instrumental music performance and motor imagery on chronic post-stroke cognition and affect: A randomized controlled trial
CM Haire, V Vuong, L Tremblay, KK Patterson, JL Chen, MH Thaut
NeuroRehabilitation 48 (2), 195-208, 2021
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Articles 1–20