Kyle Elliott Mathewson
Kyle Elliott Mathewson
Associate Professor, University of Alberta
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Soft microfluidic assemblies of sensors, circuits, and radios for the skin
S Xu*, Y Zhang*, L Jia*, KE Mathewson*, KI Jang, J Kim, H Fu, X Huang, ...
Science 344 (6179), 70-74, 2014
To see or not to see: prestimulus α phase predicts visual awareness
KE Mathewson, G Gratton, M Fabiani, DM Beck, T Ro
The Journal of Neuroscience 29 (9), 2725-2732, 2009
Pulsed out of awareness: EEG alpha oscillations represent a pulsed-inhibition of ongoing cortical processing
KE Mathewson, A Lleras, DM Beck, M Fabiani, T Ro, G Gratton
Frontiers in Perception Science, 2011
Rugged and breathable forms of stretchable electronics with adherent composite substrates for transcutaneous monitoring
KI Jang, SY Han, S Xu, KE Mathewson, Y Zhang, JW Jeong, GT Kim, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4779, 2014
Large-area MRI-compatible epidermal electronic interfaces for prosthetic control and cognitive monitoring
L Tian, B Zimmerman, A Akhtar, KJ Yu, M Moore, J Wu, RJ Larsen, ...
Nature biomedical engineering 3 (3), 194-205, 2019
Making Waves in the Stream of Consciousness: Entraining Oscillations in EEG Alpha and Fluctuations in Visual Awareness with Rhythmic Visual Stimulation
KE Mathewson, C Prudhomme, M Fabiani, DM Beck, A Lleras, G Gratton
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1-13, 2012
High and dry? Comparing active dry EEG electrodes to active and passive wet electrodes
KE Mathewson, TJL Harrison, SAD Kizuk
Psychophysiology 54 (1), 74-82, 2017
Rescuing stimuli from invisibility: Inducing a momentary release from visual masking with pre-target entrainment
KE Mathewson, M Fabiani, G Gratton, DM Beck, A Lleras
Cognition 115 (1), 186-191, 2010
Dissociable neural representations of reinforcement and belief prediction errors underlie strategic learning
L Zhu, KE Mathewson, M Hsu
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012
Learning to multitask: effects of video game practice on electrophysiological indices of attention and resource allocation
EL Maclin, KE Mathewson, KA Low, WR Boot, AF Kramer, M Fabiani, ...
Psychophysiology 48 (9), 1173-1183, 2011
Two‐layered and stretchable e‐textile patches for wearable healthcare electronics
TG La, S Qiu, DK Scott, R Bakhtiari, JWP Kuziek, KE Mathewson, J Rieger, ...
Advanced healthcare materials 7 (22), 1801033, 2018
Different slopes for different folks: Alpha and delta EEG power predict subsequent video game learning rate and improvements in cognitive control tasks
KE Mathewson, C Basak, EL Maclin, KA Low, WR Boot, AF Kramer, ...
Psychophysiology, 2012
Dynamics of Alpha Control: Preparatory Suppression of Posterior Alpha Oscillations by Frontal Modulators Revealed with Combined EEG and Event-related Optical Signal
KE Mathewson, DM Beck, T Ro, EL Maclin, KA Low, M Fabiani, G Gratton
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2014
Recommendations and publication guidelines for studies using frequency domain and time‐frequency domain analyses of neural time series
A Keil, EM Bernat, MX Cohen, M Ding, M Fabiani, G Gratton, ...
Psychophysiology 59 (5), e14052, 2022
Predicting stroke severity with a 3-min recording from the Muse portable EEG system for rapid diagnosis of stroke
CM Wilkinson*, JI Burrell*, JWP Kuziek, S Thirunavukkarasu, BH Buck, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1-11, 2020
Taking off the training wheels: Measuring auditory P3 during outdoor cycling using an active wet EEG system
JEM Scanlon, KA Townsend, DL Cormier, JWP Kuziek, KE Mathewson
Brain research 1716, 50-61, 2019
Power and phase of alpha oscillations reveal an interaction between spatial and temporal visual attention
SAD Kizuk, KE Mathewson
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 29 (3), 480-494, 2017
Transitioning EEG experiments away from the laboratory using a Raspberry Pi 2
JWP Kuziek, A Shienh, KE Mathewson
Journal of neuroscience methods 277, 75-82, 2017
Your brain on bikes: P3, MMN/N2b, and baseline noise while pedaling a stationary bike
JEM Scanlon, AJ Sieben, KR Holyk, KE Mathewson
Psychophysiology 54 (6), 927-937, 2017
Combining energy and Laplacian regularization to accurately retrieve the depth of brain activity of diffuse optical tomographic data
AM Chiarelli, EL Maclin, KA Low, KE Mathewson, M Fabiani, G Gratton
Journal of Biomedical Optics 21 (3), 036008-036008, 2016
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Articles 1–20