Cary Roseth
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Cited by
Promoting early adolescents' achievement and peer relationships: the effects of cooperative, competitive, and individualistic goal structures.
CJ Roseth, DW Johnson, RT Johnson
Psychological Bulletin 134 (2), 223, 2008
Developing students’ statistical reasoning: Connecting research and teaching practice
J Garfield
Springer, 2008
Autonomy, belongingness, and engagement in school as contributors to adolescent psychological well-being
MJ Van Ryzin, AA Gravely, CJ Roseth
Journal of youth and adolescence 38, 1-12, 2009
Cooperative learning in middle school: A means to improve peer relations and reduce victimization, bullying, and related outcomes.
MJ Van Ryzin, CJ Roseth
Journal of educational psychology 110 (8), 1192, 2018
The relationship between motivation and achievement in interdependent situations
DW Johnson, RT Johnson, C Roseth, TS Shin
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 44 (9), 622-633, 2014
An experimental study comparing English-only and transitional bilingual education on Spanish-speaking preschoolers’ early literacy development
LK Durán, CJ Roseth, P Hoffman
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 25 (2), 207-217, 2010
Social dominance in preschool classrooms.
AD Pellegrini, CJ Roseth, S Mliner, CM Bohn, M Van Ryzin, N Vance, ...
Journal of Comparative Psychology 121 (1), 54, 2007
A component-centered meta-analysis of family-based prevention programs for adolescent substance use
MJ Van Ryzin, CJ Roseth, GM Fosco, Y Lee, IC Chen
Clinical Psychology Review 45, 72-80, 2016
Cooperative learning in middle schools: Interrelationship of relationships and achievement
DW Johnson, RT Johnson, C Roseth
Middle grades research journal 5 (1), 2010
Blending synchronous face-to-face and computer-supported cooperative learning in a hybrid doctoral seminar
C Roseth, M Akcaoglu, A Zellner
TechTrends 57, 54-59, 2013
From science student to scientist: Predictors and outcomes of heterogeneous science identity trajectories in college.
KA Robinson, T Perez, AK Nuttall, CJ Roseth, L Linnenbrink-Garcia
Developmental psychology 54 (10), 1977, 2018
Collaboration in learning and teaching statistics
CJ Roseth, JB Garfield, D Ben-Zvi
Journal of Statistics Education 16 (1), n1, 2008
Human cadavers vs. multimedia simulation: A study of student learning in anatomy
AJ Saltarelli, CJ Roseth, WA Saltarelli
Anatomical sciences education 7 (5), 331-339, 2014
Effects of cooperative learning on peer relations, empathy, and bullying in middle school
MJ Van Ryzin, CJ Roseth
Aggressive behavior 45 (6), 643-651, 2019
Preschoolers' aggression, affiliation, and social dominance relationships: An observational, longitudinal study
CJ Roseth, AD Pellegrini, CM Bohn, M Van Ryzin, N Vance
Journal of School Psychology 45 (5), 479-497, 2007
Bullying and social status during school transitions
AD Pellegrini, JD Long, D Solberg, C Roseth, D Dupuis, C Bohn, ...
Handbook of Bullying in Schools, 199-209, 2009
Mediators of effects of cooperative learning on prosocial behavior in middle school
MJ Van Ryzin, CJ Roseth, A Biglan
International journal of applied positive psychology 5 (1), 37-52, 2020
Effects of face-to-face and computer-mediated constructive controversy on social interdependence, motivation, and achievement.
CJ Roseth, AJ Saltarelli, CR Glass
Journal of educational psychology 103 (4), 804, 2011
Preference for multitasking, technological dependency, student metacognition, & pervasive technology use: An experimental intervention
CA Terry, P Mishra, CJ Roseth
Computers in Human Behavior 65, 241-251, 2016
Effects of four CSCL strategies for enhancing online discussion forums: Social interdependence, summarizing, scripts, and synchronicity
AT Peterson, CJ Roseth
International Journal of Educational Research 76, 147-161, 2016
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