Antoine Masse
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Cited by
PCA and SVM as geo-computational methods for geological mapping in the southern of Tunisia, using ASTER remote sensing data set
A Gasmi, C Gomez, H Zouari, A Masse, D Ducrot
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9 (20), 1-12, 2016
Surface Water Dynamics from Space: A Round Robin Intercomparison of Using Optical and SAR High-Resolution Satellite Observations for Regional Surface Water Detection
C Tottrup, D Druce, RP Meyer, M Christensen, M Riffler, B Dulleck, ...
Remote Sensing 14 (10), 2410, 2022
Map style formalization: Rendering techniques extension for cartography
S Christophe, B Duménieu, J Turbet, C Hoarau, N Mellado, J Ory, H Loi, ...
Expressive 2016 the joint symposium on computational aesthetics and sketch …, 2016
GEOBIA at the Terapixel Scale: Toward Efficient Mapping of Small Woody Features from Heterogeneous VHR Scenes
F Merciol, L Faucqueur, BB Damodaran, PY Rémy, B Desclée, F Dazin, ...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 8 (1), 46, 2019
Développement et automatisation de méthodes de classification à partir de séries temporelles d'images de télédétection: application aux changements d'occupation des sols et à l …
A Masse
Université de Toulouse, Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier, 2013
Hedgerow detection in HRS and VHRS images from different source (optical, radar)
D Ducrot, A Masse, A Ncibi
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2012 IEEE International …, 2012
A new Copernicus high resolution layer at pan-European scale: small woody features
L Faucqueur, N Morin, A Masse, PY Remy, J Hugé, C Kenner, F Dazin, ...
Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XXI 11149, 111490X, 2019
Denoising Very High Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Images: Application and Optimization of Non Local Bayes method
A Masse, S Lefèvre, R Binet, S Artigues, G Blanchet, S Baillarin
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2018
Identifying saline wetlands in an arid desert climate using Landsat remote sensing imagery. Application on Ouargla Basin, southeastern Algeria
F Medjani, B Aissani, S Labar, M Djidel, D Ducrot, A Masse, ...
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10 (7), 176, 2017
Tools for multitemporal analysis and classification of multisource satellite imagery
A Masse, D Ducrot, P Marthon
2011 6th International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote …, 2011
Development and Application of Earth Observation Based Machine Learning Methods for Characterizing Forest and Land Cover Change in Dilijan National Park of Armenia between 1991 …
N Morin, A Masse, C Sannier, M Siklar, N Kiesslich, H Sayadyan, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (15), 2942, 2021
Télédétection et photogrammétrie pour l'étude de la dynamique de l'occupation du sol dans le bassin versant de l'oued Chiba (Cap-Bon, Tunisie)
A Gasmi, A Masse, D Ducrot, H Zouari
Revue Française De Photogrammétrie Et De Télédétection, 43-51, 2017
Remote sensing of the forest and tree network in agricultural landscapes. Evaluation of the potentials of very high resolution multi-angular imagery
D Sheeren, A Masse, D Ducrot, M Fauvel, F Collard, S May
International Journal of Geomatics and Spatial Analysis 22 (4), 539-533, 2012
Multisensor and multitemporal image fusion methods to improve remote sensing image classification
D Ducrot, A Masse, C Marais-Sicre, JF Dejoux, F Baup
Evaluation of supervised classification by class and classification characteristics
A Masse, D Ducrot, P Marthon
Algorithms and technologies for multispectral, hyperspectral, and …, 2012
Fast and accurate denoising method applied to very high resolution optical remote sensing images
A Masse, S Lefèvre, R Binet, S Artigues, P Lassalle, G Blanchet, ...
Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXIII 10427, 1042703, 2017
Map style formalization: rendering techniques extension for map design
S Christophe, B Duménieu, J Turbet, C Hoarau, N Mellado, J Ory, H Loi, ...
NPAR’16: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Non …, 2016
Potential of the Support Vector Machine (SVMs) for clay and calcium carbonate content classification from hyperspectral remote sensing
A Gasmi, H Zouari, A Masse, D Ducrot
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies 13 (3), 497-506, 2015
A methodology for the detection of land cover changes: application to the Toulouse southwestern region
D Ducrot, A Masse, E Ceschia, C Marais-Sicre, D Krystof
Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XVI 7830, 78301J, 2010
Deep-Learning for Change Detection Using Multi-Modal Fusion of Remote Sensing Images: A Review
S Saidi, S Idbraim, Y Karmoude, A Masse, M Arbelo
Remote Sensing 16 (20), 3852, 2024
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Articles 1–20