Amitrajeet A. Batabyal
Amitrajeet A. Batabyal
Distinguished Professor & Arthur J. Gosnell Professor of Economics, RIT
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Cited by
On the scarcity value of ecosystem services
AA Batabyal, JR Kahn, RV O'Neill
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 46 (2), 334-352, 2003
The concept of resilience: retrospect and prospect
AA Batabyal
Environment and Development Economics 3 (2), 221-262, 1998
On the likelihood of finding the right partner in an arranged marriage
AA Batabyal
The Journal of Socio-Economics 30 (3), 273-280, 2001
The environment in regional science: An eclectic review
AA Batabyal, P Nijkamp
Papers in Regional Science 83, 291-316, 2003
Rangeland management under uncertainty: a conceptual approach.
AA Batabyal, EB Godfrey
Rangeland Ecology & Management/Journal of Range Management Archives 55 (1 …, 2002
Richard Florida’s creative capital in a trading regional economy: A theoretical investigation
AA Batabyal, P Nijkamp
The Annals of Regional Science 44, 241-250, 2010
International trade and biological invasions: a queuing theoretic analysis of the prevention problem
AA Batabyal, H Beladi
European Journal of Operational Research 170 (3), 758-770, 2006
Human capital use, innovation, patent protection, and economic growth in multiple regions
AA Batabyal, P Nijkamp
Economics of Innovation and New Technology 22 (2), 113-126, 2013
Consistency and optimality in a dynamic game of pollution control I: Competition
AA Batabyal
Environmental and Resource Economics 8, 205-220, 1996
The stability of stochastic systems: The case of persistence and resilience
AA Batabyal, H Beladi
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 30 (7-8), 27-34, 1999
On some aspects of ecological resilience and the conservation of species
AA Batabyal
Journal of Environmental Management 52 (4), 373-378, 1998
Introduction and Overview of the Economics of International Trade and the Environment 1
AA Batabyal, H Beladi
The Economics of International Trade and the Environment, 1-8, 2001
The timing of land development: an invariance result
AA Batabyal
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78 (4), 1092-1097, 1996
Consistency and optimality in a dynamic game of pollution control II: Monopoly
AA Batabyal
Environmental and Resource Economics 8, 315-330, 1996
Introduction to the Economics of International Environmental Agreements
AA Batabyal
Corruption, bribery, and wait times in the public allocation of goods in developing countries
AA Batabyal, SJ Yoo
Review of Development Economics 11 (3), 507-517, 2007
Schumpeterian creative class competition, innovation policy, and regional economic growth
AA Batabyal, SJ Yoo
International review of economics & finance 55, 86-97, 2018
On the choice between the stocking rate and time in range management
AA Batabyal, B Biswas, EB Godfrey
Environmental and Resource Economics 20, 211-223, 2001
Games governments play: An analysis of national environmental policy in an open economy
AA Batabyal
The Annals of Regional Science 32, 237-251, 1998
A Schumpeterian model of entrepreneurship, innovation, and regional economic growth
AA Batabyal, P Nijkamp
International Regional Science Review 35 (3), 339-361, 2012
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Articles 1–20