Philippe Seguin
Philippe Seguin
Professor, Department of Plant Science, Macdonald Campus, McGill University
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Phenolic compound concentration and antioxidant activities of edible and medicinal mushrooms from Korea
MY Kim, P Seguin, JK Ahn, JJ Kim, SC Chun, EH Kim, SH Seo, EY Kang, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 (16), 7265-7270, 2008
Seed composition of ten industrial hemp cultivars approved for production in Canada
E Vonapartis, MP Aubin, P Seguin, AF Mustafa, JB Charron
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 39, 8-12, 2015
Isolation and characterization of indigenous endophytic bacteria associated with leaves of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) cultivars
F Gagne‐Bourgue, KA Aliferis, P Seguin, M Rani, R Samson, S Jabaji
Journal of applied microbiology 114 (3), 836-853, 2013
Effects of the environment, cultivar, maturity, and preservation method on red clover isoflavone concentration
E Sivesind, P Seguin
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 53 (16), 6397-6402, 2005
Effects of water soluble carbohydrate content on ensiling characteristics, chemical composition and in vitro gas production of forage millet and forage sorghum silages
S Amer, F Hassanat, R Berthiaume, P Seguin, AF Mustafa
Animal Feed Science and Technology 177 (1-2), 23-29, 2012
Industrial hemp response to nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilization
MP Aubin, P Seguin, A Vanasse, GF Tremblay, AF Mustafa, JB Charron
Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 1 (1), 1-10, 2015
Isoflavone content of soybean cultivars grown in eastern Canada
P Seguin, W Zheng, DL Smith, W Deng
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 84 (11), 1327-1332, 2004
Effects of carrier, sterilisation method, and incubation on survival of Bradyrhizobium japonicum in soybean (Glycine max L.) inoculants
K Khavazi, F Rejali, P Seguin, M Miransari
Enzyme and Microbial Technology 41 (6-7), 780-784, 2007
Root traits and nitrogen fertilizer recovery efficiency of corn grown in biochar-amended soil under greenhouse conditions
RGM Backer, W Saeed, P Seguin, DL Smith
Plant and Soil 415, 465-477, 2017
Characteristics and in situ degradability of whole crop faba bean, pea, and soybean silages
AF Mustafa, P Seguin
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 83 (4), 793-799, 2003
Ginsenosides and phenolics in fresh and processed Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng CA Meyer): Effects of cultivation location, year, and storage period
IM Chung, JW Kim, P Seguin, YM Jun, SH Kim
Food chemistry 130 (1), 73-83, 2012
Alfalfa phytoestrogen content: Impact of plant maturity and herbage components
P Seguin, W Zheng, A Souleimanov
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 190 (3), 211-217, 2004
GenotypeŚ environment interaction and stability for isoflavone content in soybean
SE Murphy, EA Lee, L Woodrow, P Seguin, J Kumar, I Rajcan, GR Ablett
Crop Science 49 (4), 1313-1321, 2009
Effects of high temperature stress at different development stages on soybean isoflavone and tocopherol concentrations
P Chennupati, P Seguin, W Liu
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 59 (24), 13081-13088, 2011
Forage legumes for sustainable cropping systems
CC Sheaffer, P Seguin
Journal of Crop Production 8 (1-2), 187-216, 2003
Real-time quantitative RT-PCR of defense-associated gene transcripts of Rhizoctonia solani-infected bean seedlings in response to inoculation with a nonpathogenic binucleate …
K Wen, P Seguin, M St.-Arnaud, S Jabaji-Hare
Phytopathology 95 (4), 345-353, 2005
Switchgrass establishment and seeding year production can be improved by inoculation with rhizosphere endophytes
K Ker, P Seguin, BT Driscoll, JW Fyles, DL Smith
Biomass and Bioenergy 47, 295-301, 2012
Effects of inoculation on ensiling characteristics, chemical composition and aerobic stability of regular and brown midrib millet silages
F Hassanat, AF Mustafa, P Seguin
Animal Feed Science and Technology 139 (1-2), 125-140, 2007
Biotic elicitors as a means of increasing isoflavone concentration of soybean seeds
AM Al‐Tawaha, P Seguin, DL Smith, C Beaulieu
Annals of Applied Biology 146 (3), 303-310, 2005
Weed response to flame weeding at different developmental stages
EC Sivesind, ML Leblanc, DC Cloutier, P Seguin, KA Stewart
Weed technology 23 (3), 438-443, 2009
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Articles 1–20