Gemma Newlands
Gemma Newlands
Departmental Research Lecturer at the Oxford Internet Institute
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Cited by
Consumer segmentation within the sharing economy: The case of Airbnb
C Lutz, G Newlands
Journal of Business Research 88, 187-196, 2018
Algorithmic surveillance in the gig economy: The organisation of work through Lefebvrian conceived space
G Newlands
Organization Studies 42 (5), 719-737, 2021
Algorithmic management in a work context
MH Jarrahi, G Newlands, MK Lee, CT Wolf, E Kinder, W Sutherland
Big Data & Society 8 (2), 20539517211020332, 2021
Innovation under pressure: Implications for data privacy during the Covid-19 pandemic
G Newlands, C Lutz, A Tamò-Larrieux, EF Villaronga, R Harasgama, ...
Big Data & Society 7 (2), 2053951720976680, 2020
Privacy and Smart Speakers: A Multi-Dimensional Approach
C Lutz, G Newlands
The Information Society 37 (3), 2021
Sharenting, peer influence, and privacy concerns: A study on the Instagram-sharing behaviors of parents in the United Kingdom
G Ranzini, G Newlands, C Lutz
Social Media+ Society 6 (4), 2056305120978376, 2020
Collective action and provider classification in the sharing economy
G Newlands, C Lutz, C Fieseler
New Technology, Work and Employment 33 (3), 250-267, 2018
European perspectives on power in the sharing economy
G Newlands, C Lutz, C Fieseler
European Perspectives on Power in the Sharing Economy (January 3, 2018), 2018
Artificial intelligence, human intelligence and hybrid intelligence based on mutual augmentation
MH Jarrahi, C Lutz, G Newlands
Big Data & Society 9 (2), 20539517221142824, 2022
Lifting the curtain: Strategic visibility of human labour in AI-as-a-Service
G Newlands
Big Data & Society 8 (1), 20539517211016026, 2021
‘This isn’t forever for me’: Perceived employability and migrant gig work in Norway and Sweden
G Newlands
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 56 (4), 1262-1279, 2024
Millennials and the sharing economy: European perspectives
G Ranzini, G Newlands, G Anselmi, A Andreotti, T Eichhorn, M Etter, ...
Available at SSRN 3061704, 2017
The conditioning function of rating mechanisms for consumers in the sharing economy
G Newlands, C Lutz, C Fieseler
Internet Research 29 (5), 1090-1108, 2019
Fairness, legitimacy and the regulation of home-sharing platforms
G Newlands, C Lutz
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 32 (10), 3177-3197, 2020
Flexible work and personal digital infrastructures
MH Jarrahi, G Newlands, B Butler, S Savage, C Lutz, M Dunn, S Sawyer
Communications of the ACM 64 (7), 72-79, 2021
Anthropotropism: Searching for recognition in the Scandinavian gig economy
G Newlands
Sociology 56 (5), 821-838, 2022
Crowdwork and the mobile underclass: Barriers to participation in India and the United States
G Newlands, C Lutz
New Media & Society 23 (6), 1341-1361, 2021
Self-Branding Strategies of Online Freelancers on Upwork
D Blyth, MH Jarrahi, C Lutz, G Newlands
New Media & Society 27 (7), 4008-4033, 2024
Youth and the digital economy: Exploring youth practices, motivations, skills, pathways, and value creation
A Lombana Bermudez, S Cortesi, C Fieseler, U Gasser, A Hasse, ...
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, 2020
Emotional labor in the sharing economy
C Lutz, G Newlands, C Fieseler
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