Kevin Manaugh
Cited by
Cited by
Towards equitable transit: examining transit accessibility and social need in Toronto, Canada, 1996–2006
N Foth, K Manaugh, AM El-Geneidy
Journal of transport geography 29, 1-10, 2013
The happy commuter: A comparison of commuter satisfaction across modes
E St-Louis, K Manaugh, D van Lierop, A El-Geneidy
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 26, 160-170, 2014
Validating walkability indices: How do different households respond to the walkability of their neighborhood?
K Manaugh, A El-Geneidy
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 16 (4), 309-315, 2011
Integrating social equity into urban transportation planning: A critical evaluation of equity objectives and measures in transportation plans in North America
K Manaugh, MG Badami, AM El-Geneidy
Transport policy 37, 167-176, 2015
What is mixed use? Presenting an interaction method for measuring land use mix
K Manaugh, T Kreider
Journal of Transport and Land use 6 (1), 63-72, 2013
Cycling under influence: summarizing the influence of perceptions, attitudes, habits, and social environments on cycling for transportation
DP Willis, K Manaugh, A El-Geneidy
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 9 (8), 565-579, 2015
From transportation equity to transportation justice: within, through, and beyond the state
A Karner, J London, D Rowangould, K Manaugh
Journal of planning literature 35 (4), 440-459, 2020
The effect of neighbourhood characteristics, accessibility, home–work location, and demographics on commuting distances
K Manaugh, LF Miranda-Moreno, AM El-Geneidy
Transportation 37, 627-646, 2010
Who benefits from new transportation infrastructure? Using accessibility measures to evaluate social equity in public transport provision
K Manaugh, A El-Geneidy
Accessibility analysis and transport planning, 211-227, 2012
Estimating potential effect of speed limits, built environment, and other factors on severity of pedestrian and cyclist injuries in crashes
SAH Zahabi, J Strauss, K Manaugh, LF Miranda-Moreno
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2011
Does distance matter? Exploring the links among values, motivations, home location, and satisfaction in walking trips
K Manaugh, AM El-Geneidy
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 50, 198-208, 2013
The environmental footprint of academic and student mobility in a large research-oriented university
J Arsenault, J Talbot, L Boustani, R Gonzalès, K Manaugh
Environmental Research Letters 14 (9), 095001, 2019
Rescuing the captive [mode] user: an alternative approach to transport market segmentation
C Jacques, K Manaugh, AM El-Geneidy
Transportation 40, 625-645, 2013
Assessing safety of shared space using cyclist-pedestrian interactions and automated video conflict analysis
D Beitel, J Stipancic, K Manaugh, L Miranda-Moreno
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 65, 710-724, 2018
Uniquely satisfied: Exploring cyclist satisfaction
DP Willis, K Manaugh, A El-Geneidy
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 18, 136-147, 2013
What makes travel'local' Defining and understanding local travel behavior
K Manaugh, AM El-Geneidy
Journal of Transport and Land Use 5 (3), 15-27, 2012
Overcoming barriers to cycling: understanding frequency of cycling in a University setting and the factors preventing commuters from cycling on a regular basis
K Manaugh, G Boisjoly, A El-Geneidy
Transportation 44, 871-884, 2017
Using OpenStreetMap to inventory bicycle infrastructure: A comparison with open data from cities
C Ferster, J Fischer, K Manaugh, T Nelson, M Winters
International journal of sustainable transportation 14 (1), 64-73, 2020
Bicycle equity in Brazil: Access to safe cycling routes across neighborhoods in Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba
B Tucker, K Manaugh
International journal of sustainable transportation 12 (1), 29-38, 2018
Measuring accessibility to hospitals by public transport: An assessment of eight Canadian metropolitan regions
G Boisjoly, R Deboosere, R Wasfi, H Orpana, K Manaugh, R Buliung, ...
Journal of Transport & Health 18, 100916, 2020
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Articles 1–20