Maryam Farzad
Maryam Farzad
Postdoctorate fellowship in University of Western Ontario, Assistant Professor USWR
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Does Disability Correlate With Impairment After Hand Injury?
MRPD Maryam Farzad PhD, Ali Asgari PhD, Fatemeh Dashab MSc, Fereydoun ...
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 2015
A systematic review and meta-analysis of Patient-Rated Wrist (and Hand) Evaluation (PRWE/PRWHE) measurement properties, translation, and/or cross-cultural adaptation
E Shafiee, J MacDermid, M Farzad, M Karbalaei
Disability and rehabilitation 44 (22), 6551-6565, 2022
A prospective randomized controlled trial of controlled passive mobilization vs. place and active hold exercises after zone 2 flexor tendon repair
M Farzad, F Layeghi, A Asgari, DC Ring, M Karimlou, SA Hosseini
Hand Surgery 19 (01), 53-59, 2014
The effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions on pain and disability for complex regional pain syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis
E Shafiee, J MacDermid, T Packham, D Walton, R Grewal, M Farzad
The Clinical Journal of Pain 39 (2), 91-105, 2023
Investigate the effect of psychological factors in development of complex regional pain syndrome type I in patients with fracture of the distal radius: a prospective study
M Farzad, F Layeghi, A Hosseini, A Dianat, N Ahrari, M Rassafiani, ...
The Journal of Hand Surgery (Asian-Pacific Volume) 23 (04), 554-561, 2018
Evaluation of non diseased specified outcome measures in hand injuries to assess activity and participation based on ICF content
M Farzad, F Layeghi, A Asgari, SA Hosseini, M Rassafiani
Journal of hand and microsurgery 6 (01), 27-34, 2014
Factors associated with disability and pain intensity in patients with complex regional pain syndrome
M Farzad, JC MacDermid, T Packham, B Khodabandeh, M Vahedi, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation 44 (26), 8243-8251, 2022
Investigation of the validity and reliability of Balance Evaluation Systems Test (BESTest) in assessment of balance disorders in people with multiple sclerosis
S Kamalian Lari, HA Haghgoo, M Farzad, S Hosseinzadeh
Archives of Rehabilitation 18 (4), 288-295, 2018
Clinimetric testing of the Persian version of the Patient-Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation (PRTEE) and the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) questionnaires in …
M Farzad, JC MacDermid, E Shafiee, AS Beygi, A Vafaei, A Varahra, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation 44 (12), 2902-2907, 2022
A scoping review of the evidence regarding assessment and management of psychological features of shoulder pain
M Farzad, JC MacDermid, DC Ring, E Shafiee
Rehabilitation Research and Practice 2021 (1), 7211201, 2021
Validation of Persian version of patient-rated wrist and hand evaluation: confirmatory factor analysis and Rasch analysis
M Farzad, JC MacDermid, Z Lu, E Shafiee
Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation 2 (4), 100076, 2020
A systematic review of self-reported outcome measures assessing disability following hand and upper extremity conditions in Persian population
E Shafiee, M Farzad, M Karbalaei
Archives of Bone and Joint Surgery 9 (2), 141, 2021
Early post-immobilization pain at rest, movement evoked pain, and their ratio as potential predictors of pain and disability at six-and 12-months after distal radius fracture
M Farzad, JC MacDermid, S Mehta, R Grewal, E Shafiee
Archives of Physiotherapy 11, 1-10, 2021
The patient-rated wrist and hand evaluation was successfully translated to Persian
M Farzad, JC MacDermid, A Asgary, E Shafiee, H Azizi
Journal of Hand Therapy 32 (4), 515-518, 2019
Exploring the relation between impairment rating by AMA guide and activity and participation based on ICF in the patients with hand injuries
M Farzad, A Asgari, F Layeghi, F Yazdani, SA Hosseini, M Rassafiani, ...
Journal of hand and microsurgery 7 (02), 261-267, 2015
The reactive postural control in spastic cerebral palsy children
N Akbar Fahimi, SA Hosseini, M Rassafiani, M Farzad, HA Haghgoo
Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 10 (2), 66-74, 2012
Measurement properties of the Michigan hand outcomes questionnaire: Rasch analysis of responses from a traumatic hand injury population
M Farzad, Z Lu, JC MacDermid, AR Kachooei, E Shafiee
Disability and rehabilitation 44 (15), 4081-4089, 2022
Using the rasch model to develop a measure of participation capturing the full range of participation characteristics for the patients with hand injuries
M Farzad, F Layeghi, A Hosseini, G Whiteneck, A Asgari
Journal of hand and microsurgery 9 (02), 084-091, 2017
A description of the barriers, facilitators, and experiences of hand therapists in providing remote (tele) rehabilitation: An interpretive description approach
M Farzad, J MacDermid, L Ferreira, M Szekeres, S Cuypers, E Shafiee
Journal of Hand Therapy 36 (4), 805-816, 2023
Application of continuous passive motion in patients with distal radius fractures: a randomized clinical trial
A Shirzadi, M Farzad, AR Farhoud, E Shafiee
Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation 39 (6), 522-527, 2020
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Articles 1–20