Daniel J Dutton
Daniel J Dutton
Community Health & Epidemiology, Dalhousie University
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Reduction of food insecurity among low-income Canadian seniors as a likely impact of a guaranteed annual income
L McIntyre, DJ Dutton, C Kwok, JCH Emery
Canadian Public Policy 42 (3), 274-286, 2016
Effect of provincial spending on social services and health care on health outcomes in Canada: an observational longitudinal study
DJ Dutton, PG Forest, RD Kneebone, JD Zwicker
Cmaj 190 (3), E66-E71, 2018
Recognizing and responding to women experiencing homelessness with gendered and trauma-informed care
K Milaney, N Williams, SL Lockerbie, DJ Dutton, E Hyshka
BMC Public Health 20, 1-6, 2020
Using the ages and stages questionnaire in the general population as a measure for identifying children not at risk of a neurodevelopmental disorder
R Lamsal, DJ Dutton, JD Zwicker
BMC pediatrics 18, 1-9, 2018
The usefulness of “corrected” body mass index vs. self-reported body mass index: comparing the population distributions, sensitivity, specificity, and predictive utility of …
DJ Dutton, L McLaren
BMC public health 14, 1-11, 2014
Changes in alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic: exploring gender differences and the role of emotional distress.
K Thompson, DJ Dutton, K MacNabb, T Liu, S Blades, M Asbridge
Health Promotion & Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada 41 (9), 2021
Drug use, homelessness and health: responding to the opioid overdose crisis with housing and harm reduction services
K Milaney, J Passi, L Zaretsky, T Liu, CM O’Gorman, L Hill, D Dutton
Harm reduction journal 18, 1-10, 2021
Explained and unexplained regional variation in Canadian obesity prevalence
DJ Dutton, L McLaren
Obesity 19 (7), 1460-1468, 2011
Longitudinal analysis of the association between removal of dental amalgam, urine mercury and 14 self-reported health symptoms
JD Zwicker, DJ Dutton, JCH Emery
Environmental Health 13, 1-11, 2014
Impact of a guaranteed annual income program on Canadian seniors’ physical, mental and functional health
L McIntyre, C Kwok, JCH Emery, DJ Dutton
Canadian Journal of Public Health 107 (2), e176-e182, 2016
Virtual care and the influence of a pandemic: necessary policy shifts to drive digital innovation in healthcare
PB Patterson, J Roddick, CA Pollack, DJ Dutton
Healthcare management forum 35 (5), 272-278, 2022
The association between amalgam dental surfaces and urinary mercury levels in a sample of Albertans, a prevalence study
DJ Dutton, K Fyie, P Faris, L Brunel, JCH Emery
Journal of occupational medicine and toxicology 8, 1-7, 2013
Child care: implications for overweight/obesity in Canadian children?
L McLaren, M Zarrabi, DJ Dutton, MC Auld, JCH Emery
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada 33 (1), 2012
An overview of the statistical methods reported by studies using the Canadian community health survey
DW Yergens, DJ Dutton, SB Patten
BMC Medical Research Methodology 14, 1-7, 2014
A repeated cross-sectional study of socio-economic inequities in dietary sodium consumption among Canadian adults: implications for national sodium reduction strategies
L McLaren, S Heidinger, DJ Dutton, V Tarasuk, NR Campbell
International journal for equity in health 13, 1-14, 2014
The social determinants of pandemic impact: An opportunity to rethink what we mean by “public health spending”
L McLaren, DJ Dutton
Canadian Journal of Public Health= Revue Canadienne de Santé Publique 111 (4 …, 2020
A ban on marketing of foods/beverages to children: the who, why, what and how of a population health intervention
DJ Dutton, NRC Campbell, C Elliott, L McLaren
Canadian Journal of Public Health 103 (2), 100-102, 2012
How important are determinants of obesity measured at the individual level for explaining geographic variation in body mass index distributions? Observational evidence from …
DJ Dutton, L McLaren
J Epidemiol Community Health 70 (4), 367-373, 2016
Falling through the Cracks: How the Community-Based Approach Has Failed Calgary's Chronically Homeless
K Milaney, N Williams, D Dutton
The School of Public Policy Publications 11, 2018
Exploring the well-being of community pharmacy professionals, turnover intention and patient safety: time to include operational responsibility
S Etezad, M Fleming, HA Weigand, CM Hartt, DJ Dutton, JR Barker, ...
Canadian Pharmacists Journal/Revue des Pharmaciens du Canada 156 (2), 71-84, 2023
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Articles 1–20