Roberto Fernandez
Roberto Fernandez
New York University Shanghai
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Random walks, critical phenomena, and triviality in quantum field theory
R Fernández, J Fröhlich, AD Sokal
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Regularity properties and pathologies of position-space renormalization-group transformations: Scope and limitations of Gibbsian theory
ACD Van Enter, R Fernández, AD Sokal
Journal of Statistical Physics 72, 879-1167, 1993
The phase transition in a general class of Ising-type models is sharp
M Aizenman, DJ Barsky, R Fernández
Journal of Statistical Physics 47, 343-374, 1987
On the critical behavior of the magnetization in high-dimensional Ising models
M Aizenman, R Fernández
Journal of Statistical Physics 44 (3), 393-454, 1986
Cluster expansion for abstract polymer models. New bounds from an old approach
R Fernández, A Procacci
Communications in Mathematical Physics 274, 123-140, 2007
Perfect simulation for interacting point processes, loss networks and Ising models
PA Ferrari, R Fernández, NL Garcia
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 102 (1), 63-88, 2002
Processes with long memory: regenerative construction and perfect simulation
F Comets, R Fernández, PA Ferrari
Annals of Applied Probability, 921-943, 2002
An improvement of the Lovász local lemma via cluster expansion
R Bissacot, R Fernández, A Procacci, B Scoppola
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 20 (5), 709-719, 2011
Critical exponents for long-range interactions
M Aizenman, R Fernández
Letters in Mathematical Physics 16 (1), 39-49, 1988
Possible Loss and Recovery of Gibbsianness¶ During the Stochastic Evolution of Gibbs Measures
ACD Van Enter, R Fernández, F Den Hollander, F Redig
Communications in Mathematical Physics 226, 101-130, 2002
Decay of correlations for non-Hölderian dynamics. A coupling approach
X Bressaud, R Fernández, A Galves
Low-temperature phase diagrams of quantum lattice systems. I. Stability for quantum perturbations of classical systems with finitely-many ground states
N Datta, R Fernández, J Fröhlich
Journal of statistical physics 84, 455-534, 1996
Regularity properties and pathologies of position-space renormalization-group transformations
A Enter, R Fernández, AD Sokal
J. Statist. Phys. 72, 879-, 1993
Chains with complete connections: General theory, uniqueness, loss of memory and mixing properties
R Fernandez, G Maillard
Journal of statistical physics 118, 555-588, 2005
Global specifications and nonquasilocality of projections of Gibbs measures
R Fernández, CE Pfister
The Annals of Probability, 1284-1315, 1997
Low-temperature phase diagrams of quantum lattice systems. II. Convergent perturbation expansions and stability in systems with infinite degeneracy
N Datta, J Fröhlich, L Rey-Bellet, R Fernández
Helvetica Physica Acta 69 (5), 752-820, 1996
Loss network representation of Peierls contours
R Fernández, PA Ferrari, NL Garcia
Annals of Probability, 902-937, 2001
Chains with complete connections and one-dimensional Gibbs measures
R Fernandez, G Maillard
Gibbsianness and non-Gibbsianness in lattice random fields
R Fernández
Les Houches, LXXXIII, 731-99, 2005
A large-deviation view on dynamical Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions
A van Enter, R Fernández, F Hollander, F Redig
arXiv preprint arXiv:1005.0147, 2010
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Articles 1–20