Malvina Skorska
Malvina Skorska
Department of Psychology, University of Toronto
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Sexual orientation, fraternal birth order, and the maternal immune hypothesis: A review
AF Bogaert, M Skorska
Frontiers in neuroendocrinology 32 (2), 247-254, 2011
Male homosexuality and maternal immune responsivity to the Y-linked protein NLGN4Y
AF Bogaert, MN Skorska, C Wang, J Gabrie, AJ MacNeil, MR Hoffarth, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (2), 302-306, 2018
Facial structure predicts sexual orientation in both men and women
MN Skorska, SN Geniole, BM Vrysen, CM McCormick, AF Bogaert
Archives of Sexual Behavior 44, 1377-1394, 2015
A short review of biological research on the development of sexual orientation
AF Bogaert, MN Skorska
Hormones and Behavior 119, 104659, 2020
Experimental effects of degrading versus erotic pornography exposure in men on reactions toward women (objectification, sexism, discrimination)
MN Skorska, G Hodson, MR Hoffarth
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 27 (3), 261-276, 2018
Carving the biodevelopment of same-sex sexual orientation at its joints
DP VanderLaan, MN Skorska, DE Peragine, LA Coome
Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-24, 2022
Tapping generalized essentialism to predict outgroup prejudices
G Hodson, MN Skorska
British Journal of Social Psychology 54 (2), 371-382, 2015
Handedness, sexual orientation, and somatic markers for prenatal androgens: Are southpaws really that gay?
L Ellis, MN Skorska, AF Bogaert
Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition 22 (2), 157-180, 2017
A Multi-Modal MRI Analysis of Cortical Structure in Relation to Gender Dysphoria, Sexual Orientation, and Age in Adolescents
MN Skorska, S Chavez, GA Devenyi, R Patel, LT Thurston, MC Lai, ...
Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (2), 345, 2021
Direct reproduction and sexual orientation and gender diversity in Thailand
LA Coome, MN Skorska, DP VanderLaan
Archives of Sexual Behavior 49 (7), 2449-2460, 2020
Prenatal androgens in men’s sexual orientation: Evidence for a more nuanced role?
MN Skorska, AF Bogaert
Archives of Sexual Behavior 46, 1621-1624, 2017
Gay male only-children: Evidence for low birth weight and high maternal miscarriage rates
MN Skorska, R Blanchard, DP VanderLaan, KJ Zucker, AF Bogaert
Archives of Sexual Behavior 46, 205-215, 2017
Sexual orientation, objective height, and self-reported height
MN Skorska, AF Bogaert
The Journal of Sex Research 54 (1), 19-32, 2017
An anthropometric study of sexual orientation and gender identity in Thailand
MN Skorska, LA Coome, DE Peragine, M Aitken, DP VanderLaan
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 18432, 2021
Handedness and Birth Order Among Heterosexual Men, Gay Men, and Sao Praphet Song in Northern Thailand
MN Skorska, LA Coome, P Saokhieo, O Kaewthip, S Chariyalertsak, ...
Archives of Sexual Behavior 49, 2431-2448, 2020
An examination of the biodevelopment of gender expression in children ages 6-to 12-years
LA Coome, MN Skorska, AIR van der Miesen, DE Peragine, ...
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 27 (2), 133-143, 2018
Pubertal stress and nutrition and their association with sexual orientation and height in the Add Health data
MN Skorska, AF Bogaert
Archives of Sexual Behavior 46, 217-236, 2017
A learning experience? Enjoyment at sexual debut and the gender gap in sexual desire among emerging adults
DE Peragine, MN Skorska, JA Maxwell, EA Impett, DP VanderLaan
The Journal of Sex Research 59 (9), 1092-1109, 2022
Fraternal birth order, only-child status, and sibling sex ratio related to sexual orientation in the Add Health data: a re-analysis and extended findings
MN Skorska, AF Bogaert
Archives of Sexual Behavior 49 (2), 557-573, 2020
The Risks and Benefits of Being “Early to Bed": Toward a Broader Understanding of Age at Sexual Debut and Sexual Health in Adulthood
DE Peragine, MN Skorska, JA Maxwell, EA Impett, DP VanderLaan
The Journal of Sexual Medicine 19 (9), 1343-1358, 2022
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Articles 1–20