Prof. Dr. Jurgita Antucheviciene
Cited by
Cited by
Optimization of weighted aggregated sum product assessment
EK Zavadskas, Z Turskis, J Antucheviciene, A Zakarevicius
Elektronika ir elektrotechnika 122 (6), 3-6, 2012
A new combinative distance-based assessment (CODAS) method for multi-criteria decision-making
M Keshavarz Ghorabaee, EK Zavadskas, Z Turskis, J Antuchevičienė
Academy of Economic Studies, 2016
Determination of objective weights using a new method based on the removal effects of criteria (MEREC)
M Keshavarz-Ghorabaee, M Amiri, EK Zavadskas, Z Turskis, ...
Symmetry 13 (4), 525, 2021
A hybrid model based on fuzzy AHP and fuzzy WASPAS for construction site selection
Z Turskis, EK Zavadskas, J Antuchevičienė, N Kosareva
Agora University Editing House, 2015
Hybrid multiple criteria decision-making methods: A review of applications for sustainability issues
EK Zavadskas, K Govindan, J Antucheviciene, Z Turskis
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 29 (1), 857-887, 2016
Extension of weighted aggregated sum product assessment with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (WASPAS-IVIF)
EK Zavadskas, J Antucheviciene, SHR Hajiagha, SS Hashemi
Applied soft computing 24, 1013-1021, 2014
Evaluation of ranking accuracy in multi-criteria decisions
EK Zavadskas, A Zakarevicius, J Antucheviciene
Informatica 17 (4), 601-618, 2006
MCDM methods WASPAS and MULTIMOORA: Verification of robustness of methods when assessing alternative solutions
EK Zavadskas, J Antuchevičienė, J Šaparauskas, Z Turskis
Academy of Economic Studies, 2013
Multiple criteria evaluation of rural building's regeneration alternatives
EK Zavadskas, J Antucheviciene
Building and Environment 42 (1), 436-451, 2007
Fuzzy extension of the CODAS method for multi-criteria market segment evaluation
MK Ghorabaee, M Amiri, EK Zavadskas, R Hooshmand, J Antuchevičienė
Journal of Business Economics and Management 18 (1), 1-19, 2017
A new hybrid fuzzy MCDM approach for evaluation of construction equipment with sustainability considerations
MK Ghorabaee, M Amiri, EK Zavadskas, J Antucheviciene
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 18, 32-49, 2018
A new multi-criteria model based on interval type-2 fuzzy sets and EDAS method for supplier evaluation and order allocation with environmental considerations
MK Ghorabaee, M Amiri, EK Zavadskas, Z Turskis, J Antucheviciene
Computers & Industrial Engineering 112, 156-174, 2017
Sustainable decision-making in civil engineering, construction and building technology
EK Zavadskas, J Antucheviciene, T Vilutiene, H Adeli
Sustainability 10 (1), 14, 2017
Assessment of third-party logistics providers using a CRITIC–WASPAS approach with interval type-2 fuzzy sets
M Keshavarz Ghorabaee, M Amiri, E Kazimieras Zavadskas, ...
Transport 32 (1), 66-78, 2017
Supplier evaluation and selection in fuzzy environments: A review of MADM approaches
M Keshavarz Ghorabaee, M Amiri, EK Zavadskas, J Antucheviciene
Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja 30 (1), 1073-1118, 2017
Multi-criteria assessment of facades’ alternatives: peculiarities of ranking methodology
EK Zavadskas, J Antucheviciene, J Šaparauskas, Z Turskis
Procedia Engineering 57, 107-112, 2013
Hybrid multiple criteria decision making methods: A review of applications in engineering
E Kazimieras Zavadskas, J Antucheviciene, H Adeli, Z Turskis
Scientia Iranica 23 (1), 1-20, 2016
Hybrid SWARA-COPRAS method for risk assessment in deep foundation excavation project: An Iranian case study
A Valipour, N Yahaya, N Md Noor, J Antuchevičienė, J Tamošaitienė
Journal of civil engineering and management 23 (4), 524-532, 2017
Simultaneous evaluation of criteria and alternatives (SECA) for multi-criteria decision-making
M Keshavarz-Ghorabaee, M Amiri, EK Zavadskas, Z Turskis, ...
Informatica 29 (2), 265-280, 2018
Applications of WASPAS method as a multi-criteria decision-making tool
S Chakraborty, EK Zavadskas, J Antuchevičienė
Academy of Economic Studies, 2015
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Articles 1–20