Jordan L. Burke
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Cited by
The influence of variation in host tree monoterpene composition on secondary attraction by an invasive bark beetle: implications for range expansion and potential host shift by …
JL Burke, AL Carroll
Forest Ecology and Management 359, 59-64, 2016
Consequences of distributional asymmetry in a warming environment: invasion of novel forests by the mountain pine beetle
JL Burke, J Bohlmann, AL Carroll
Ecosphere 8 (4), e01778, 2017
Invasion by exotic earthworms alters biodiversity and communities of litter-and soil-dwelling oribatid mites
JL Burke, JC Maerz, JR Milanovich, MC Fisk, KJK Gandhi
Diversity 3 (1), 155-175, 2011
Breeding matters: Natal experience influences population state-dependent host acceptance by an eruptive insect herbivore
JL Burke, AL Carroll
PLoS One 12 (2), e0172448, 2017
Efficacy of two insecticides for protecting loblolly pines (Pinus taeda L.) from subcortical beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae and Cerambycidae)
JL Burke, JL Hanula, S Horn, JP Audley, KJK Gandhi
Pest management science 68 (7), 1048-1052, 2012
Consequences of distributional asymmetry in a warming environment: invasion of novel forests by the mountain pine beetle. Ecosphere 8: e01778
JL Burke, J Bohlmann, AL Carroll
Consequences of climate-induced range expansion of a native invasive herbivore in western Canada
JL Burke
University of British Columbia, 2016
The physiological basis for recognition of the mountain pine beetle as an invasive species
JL Burke
Entomology 2017, 2017
Effects of prescribed fire and subcortical beetles on southern pines in Georgia
JL Burke
University of Georgia, 2011
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Articles 1–9