Belal Khaldi
Belal Khaldi
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Combining colour and grey‐level co‐occurrence matrix features: a comparative study
B Khaldi, O Aiadi, ML Kherfi
IET Image Processing 13 (9), 1401-1410, 2019
MDFNet: An unsupervised lightweight network for ear print recognition
O Aiadi, B Khaldi, C Saadeddine
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14 (10), 13773-13786, 2023
Image representation using complete multi-texton histogram
B Khaldi, O Aiadi, KM Lamine
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79 (11), 8267-8285, 2020
Automatic date fruit recognition using outlier detection techniques and Gaussian mixture models
O Aiadi, ML Kherfi, B Khaldi
ELCVIA Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis 18 (1), 52-75, 2019
Modified integrative color intensity co-occurrence matrix for texture image representation
B Khaldi, ML Kherfi
Journal of Electronic Imaging 25 (5), 053007-053007, 2016
Date fruit sorting based on deep learning and discriminant correlation analysis
O Aiadi, B Khaldi, ML Kherfi, ML Mekhalfi, A Alharbi
IEEE Access 10, 79655-79668, 2022
An efficient multiple-classifier system for Arabic calligraphy style recognition
Z Kaoudja, ML Kherfi, B Khaldi
2019 international conference on networking and advanced systems (ICNAS), 1-5, 2019
A new computational method for arabic calligraphy style representation and classification
Z Kaoudja, ML Kherfi, B Khaldi
Applied Sciences 11 (11), 4852, 2021
A fast lightweight network for the discrimination of COVID-19 and pulmonary diseases
O Aiadi, B Khaldi
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 78, 103925, 2022
Off-line Arabic handwriting recognition system based on ML-LPQ and classifiers combination
A Korichi, O Aiadi, B Khaldi, S Slatnia, ML Kherfi
2018 International Conference on Signal, Image, Vision and their …, 2018
Building detection in high-resolution remote sensing images by enhancing superpixel segmentation and classification using deep learning approaches
A Benchabana, MK Kholladi, R Bensaci, B Khaldi
Buildings 13 (7), 1649, 2023
A fast weighted multi-view Bayesian learning scheme with deep learning for text-based image retrieval from unlabeled galleries
A Oussama, B Khaldi, ML Kherfi
Multimedia Tools and Applications 82 (7), 10795-10812, 2023
Arabic artistic script style identification using texture descriptors
Z Kaoudja, B Khaldi, ML Kherfi
2020 1st International Conference on Communications, Control Systems and …, 2020
A generic feature-independent pyramid multilevel model for Arabic handwriting recognition
A Korichi, S Slatnia, O Aiadi, B Khaldi
Multimedia Tools and Applications 81 (15), 20719-20739, 2022
Deep convolutional neural network with KNN regression for automatic image annotation
R Bensaci, B Khaldi, O Aiadi, A Benchabana
Applied Sciences 11 (21), 10176, 2021
Combining colour and grey‐level co‐occurrence matrix features: a comparative study, IET Image Processing, 13 (9), 2019, 1401-1410
B Khaldi, O Aiadi, ML Kherfi
Understanding user intention in image retrieval: generalization selection using multiple concept hierarchies
A Youcefa, ML Kherfi, B Khaldi, O Aiadi
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 17 (5 …, 2019
Automatic Recognition of Plant Leaves Using Parallel Combination of Classifiers
L Hamrouni, R Bensac, ML Kherfi, B Khaldi, O Aiadi
IFIP International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Its …, 2018
Morphological Operations and Artificial Neural Networks for Multi-scale colored texture classification
B Khaldi, Y Khaldi, H Azzaoui, O Aiadi, ML Kherfi
2022 4th International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent …, 2022
Image classification using texture features and support vector machine (SVM)
B Khaldi, O Aiadi, ML Kherfi
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Articles 1–20