Rocky S. Taylor
Rocky S. Taylor
Associate Dean (Research) & Associate Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland
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Understanding industrial safety: Comparing Fault tree, Bayesian network, and FRAM approaches
D Smith, B Veitch, F Khan, R Taylor
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 45, 88-101, 2017
Local design pressures for structures in ice: analysis of full-scale data
RS Taylor, IJ Jordaan, C Li, D Sudom
Small-scale laboratory experiments on the indentation failure of polycrystalline ice in compression: Main results and pressure distribution
J Wells, I Jordaan, A Derradji-Aouat, R Taylor
Cold Regions Science and Technology 65 (3), 314-325, 2011
Probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis of spalling during edge indentation in ice
RS Taylor, IJ Jordaan
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 134, 242-266, 2015
Experimental investigation of oscillation of loads in ice high-pressure zones, part 1: Single indentor system
BJ O'Rourke, IJ Jordaan, RS Taylor, A Gürtner
Cold Regions Science and Technology 124, 25-39, 2016
Small-scale ice indentation tests with variable structural compliance
T Browne, R Taylor, I Jordaan, A Gürtner
Cold regions science and technology 88, 2-9, 2013
The nature of high pressure zones in compressive ice failure
RS Taylor, R Frederking, IJ Jordaan
The 19th International Symposium on Ice, Vancouver, 1001-1010, 2008
Integration of resilience and FRAM for safety management
D Smith, B Veitch, F Khan, R Taylor
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A …, 2020
Cohesive zone micromechanical model for compressive and tensile failure of polycrystalline ice
I Gribanov, R Taylor, R Sarracino
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 196, 142-156, 2018
A framework for integrating life-safety and environmental consequences into conventional Arctic shipping risk models
T Browne, R Taylor, B Veitch, P Kujala, F Khan, D Smith
Applied Sciences 10 (8), 2937, 2020
A response comparison of a stiffened panel subjected to rule-based and measured ice loads
B Erceg, R Taylor, S Ehlers, BJ Leira
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 45561 …, 2014
Consequence modelling for Arctic ship evacuations using expert knowledge
T Browne, B Veitch, R Taylor, J Smith, D Smith, F Khan
Marine Policy 130, 104582, 2021
Development of a probabilistic ice load model based on empirical descriptions of high pressure zone attributes
RS Taylor, M Richard
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 45561 …, 2014
Analysis of scale effect in compressive ice failure and implications for design
RS Taylor
Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2010
Investigation of two pack ice besetting events on the Umiak I and development of a probabilistic prediction model
ID Turnbull, P Bourbonnais, RS Taylor
Ocean Engineering 179, 76-91, 2019
Explicit finite element analysis of compressive ice failure using damage mechanics
PF Moore, IJ Jordaan, RS Taylor
Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Port and Ocean …, 2013
A general method to combine environmental and life-safety consequences of Arctic ship accidents
T Browne, R Taylor, B Veitch, I Helle, T Parviainen, F Khan, D Smith
Safety science 154, 105855, 2022
A method for evaluating operational implications of regulatory constraints on Arctic shipping
T Browne, TT Tran, B Veitch, D Smith, F Khan, R Taylor
Marine Policy 135, 104839, 2022
Local pressures for ships in ice: probabilistic analysis of full-scale line-load data
F Shamaei, M Bergström, F Li, R Taylor, P Kujala
Marine Structures 74, 102822, 2020
Using the FRAM to understand Arctic ship navigation: assessing work processes during the Exxon Valdez grounding
D Smith, B Veitch, F Khan, R Taylor
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2018
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Articles 1–20