Yue Li
Cited by
Cited by
Revisiting the relation between environmental performance and environmental disclosure: An empirical analysis
PM Clarkson, Y Li, GD Richardson, FP Vasvari
Accounting, organizations and society 33 (4-5), 303-327, 2008
Does it really pay to be green? Determinants and consequences of proactive environmental strategies
PM Clarkson, Y Li, GD Richardson, FP Vasvari
Journal of accounting and public policy 30 (2), 122-144, 2011
The relevance of environmental disclosures: Are such disclosures incrementally informative?
PM Clarkson, X Fang, Y Li, G Richardson
Journal of accounting and public policy 32 (5), 410-431, 2013
Disclosure of environmental information by Canadian manufacturing companies: a voluntary disclosure perspective
K Bewley, Y Li
Advances in environmental accounting & management, 201-226, 2000
The market valuation of environmental capital expenditures by pulp and paper companies
PM Clarkson, Y Li, GD Richardson
The accounting review 79 (2), 329-353, 2004
Corporate disclosure of environmental liability information: Theory and evidence
Y Li, GD Richardson, DB Thornton
Contemporary accounting research 14 (3), 435-474, 1997
The valuation relevance of greenhouse gas emissions under the European Union carbon emissions trading scheme
PM Clarkson, Y Li, M Pinnuck, GD Richardson
European Accounting Review 24 (3), 551-580, 2015
Causes and Consequences of Voluntary Assurance of CSR Reports: International Evidence Involving Dow Jones Sustainability Index Inclusion and Firm Valuation
AT Clarkson, Peter, Yue Li, Gordon Richardson
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 32 (No. 8), pp. 2451-2474., 2019
What is corporate sustainability and how do firms practice it? A management accounting research perspective
S Joshi, Y Li
Journal of Management Accounting Research 28 (2), 1-11, 2016
An empirical examination of factors affecting the timing of environmental accounting standard adoption and the impact on corporate valuation
Y Li, BJ McConomy
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 14 (3), 279-313, 1999
Simultaneous signaling in IPOs via management earnings forecasts and retained ownership: An empirical analysis of the substitution effect
Y Li, BJ McConomy
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 19 (1), 1-28, 2004
Valuing IPOs using price-earnings multiples disclosed by IPO firms in an emerging capital market
M Firth, Y Li, SS Wang
Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies 11 (03), 429-463, 2008
Voluntary external assurance of corporate social responsibility reports and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index membership: International evidence
PM Clarkson, Y Li, G Richardson, A Tsang
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 32 (8), pp. 2451-2474., 2019
Voluntary adoption of more stringent governance policy on audit committees: Theory and empirical evidence
F Chen, Y Li
The Accounting Review 88 (6), 1939-1969, 2013
Corporate environmental risk exposure and audit fees
Y Li, D Simunic, M Ye
Retrieved from, 2014
Do auditors consider clients’ compliance with environmental regulations?
Y Li, DA Simunic, M Ye
Available at SSRN 2961998, 2018
Do auditors care about clients’ compliance with environmental regulations
Y Li, D Simunic, M Ye
Working Paper, 2017
What Drives Corporate Charitable Contributions, Market Forces, Government Influences, or Political Goodwill? Evidence from China
J Fang, W Li, Y Li
CAAA Annual Conference, 2011
Corporate Governance and the Value Relevance of Proved and Probable Oil and Gas Reserve Disclosures: Canadian Evidence
Y Li, DB Thornton, M Welker
CAAA) 2008 Annual Conference Paper, 2008
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Articles 1–19