Jinhua Zhao
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Cited by
From Exxon to BP: Has some number become better than no number?
CL Kling, DJ Phaneuf, J Zhao
Journal of Economic Perspectives 26 (4), 3-26, 2012
Adoption versus adaptation, with emphasis on climate change
D Zilberman, J Zhao, A Heiman
Annual review of resource Economics 4 (1), 27-53, 2012
Irreversible abatement investment under cost uncertainties: tradable emission permits and emissions charges
J Zhao
Journal of Public Economics 87 (12), 2765-2789, 2003
Green subsidies in agriculture: Estimating the adoption costs of conservation tillage from observed behavior
L Kurkalova, C Kling, J Zhao
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie …, 2006
Green subsidies in agriculture: Estimating the adoption costs of conservation tillage from observed behavior
L Kurkalova, C Kling, J Zhao
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie …, 2006
Switching to perennial energy crops under uncertainty and costly reversibility
F Song, J Zhao, SM Swinton
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 93 (3), 768-783, 2011
A new explanation for the WTP/WTA disparity
J Zhao, CL Kling
Economics Letters 73 (3), 293-300, 2001
Willingness to pay, compensating variation, and the cost of commitment
J Zhao, CL Kling
Economic Inquiry 42 (3), 503-517, 2004
Valuation and management of money-back guarantee options
A Heiman, B McWilliams, J Zhao, D Zilberman
Journal of retailing 78 (3), 193-205, 2002
Common ground between free‐traders and environmentalists
L Karp, S Sacheti, J Zhao
International Economic Review 42 (3), 617-648, 2001
Navigating and evaluating the labyrinth of environmental regulation in China
VJ Karplus, J Zhang, J Zhao
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 15 (2), 300-322, 2021
Rebound effects of new irrigation technologies: The role of water rights
H Li, J Zhao
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 100 (3), 786-808, 2018
The time path and implementation of carbon sequestration
H Feng, J Zhao, CL Kling
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 84 (1), 134-149, 2002
On the long-run efficiency of auctioned vs. free permits
CL Kling, J Zhao
Economics letters 69 (2), 235-238, 2000
Understanding behavioral explanations of the WTP-WTA divergence through a neoclassical lens: Implications for environmental policy
Y Kim, CL Kling, J Zhao
Annu. Rev. Resour. Econ. 7 (1), 169-187, 2015
Parametric and non-parametric crop yield distributions and their effects on all-risk crop insurance premiums
CG Turvey, J Zhao
Alternative intertemporal permit trading regimes with stochastic abatement costs
H Feng, J Zhao
Resource and Energy Economics 28 (1), 24-40, 2006
Social norms, behavioral payment programs, and cooperative behaviors: toward a theory of financial incentives in normative systems
MK Lapinski, JM Kerr, J Zhao, RS Shupp
Human Communication Research 43 (1), 148-171, 2017
Optimal health and environmental policies in a pollution-growth nexus
M Wang, J Zhao, J Bhattacharya
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 71, 160-179, 2015
Willingness to pay and the cost of commitment: an empirical specification and test
JR Corrigan, CL Kling, J Zhao
Environmental and Resource Economics 40 (2), 285-298, 2008
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Articles 1–20