Dee Mangin
Dee Mangin
McMaster University, University of Otago
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Cited by
Feasibility study of a systematic approach for discontinuation of multiple medications in older adults: addressing polypharmacy
D Garfinkel, D Mangin
Archives of internal medicine 170 (18), 1648-1654, 2010
A meta-analysis of hospital in the home
G Caplan, N Suliaman, D Mangin, N Ricauda, L Wilson, A, Barclay
Medical Journal of Australia 197, 512-519, 2012
Challenges and enablers of deprescribing: a general practitioner perspective
NJ Ailabouni, PS Nishtala, D Mangin, JM Tordoff
PloS one 11 (4), e0151066, 2016
Randomised controlled trial of intravenous antibiotic treatment for cellulitis at home compared with hospital
P Corwin, L Toop, G McGeoch, M Than, S Wynn-Thomas, JE Wells, ...
Bmj 330 (7483), 129, 2005
International Group for Reducing Inappropriate Medication Use & Polypharmacy (IGRIMUP): position statement and 10 recommendations for action
D Mangin, G Bahat, BA Golomb, LH Mallery, P Moorhouse, G Onder, ...
Drugs & aging 35, 575-587, 2018
Beyond diagnosis: rising to the multimorbidity challenge
D Mangin, I Heath, M Jamoulle
Bmj 344, 2012
Preventive health care in elderly people needs rethinking
D Mangin, K Sweeney, I Heath
Bmj 335 (7614), 285-287, 2007
Tratado de Medicina de Família e Comunidade-: Princípios, Formação e Prática
G Gusso, JMC Lopes
Artes Medicas, 2018
Maintenance or discontinuation of antidepressants in primary care
G Lewis, L Marston, L Duffy, N Freemantle, S Gilbody, R Hunter, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 385 (14), 1257-1267, 2021
The Quality and Outcomes Framework: what have you done to yourselves?
D Mangin, L Toop
British Journal of General Practice 57 (539), 435-437, 2007
Making patient values visible in healthcare: a systematic review of tools to assess patient treatment priorities and preferences in the context of multimorbidity
D Mangin, G Stephen, V Bismah, C Risdon
BMJ open 6 (6), e010903, 2016
Response to antibiotics of women with symptoms of urinary tract infection but negative dipstick urine test results: double blind randomised controlled trial July; 331(7509):143 …
D Richards, LJ Toop, ST Chambers, L Fletcher
BMJ 331, 143-146, 2005
DEFEAT-polypharmacy: deprescribing anticholinergic and sedative medicines feasibility trial in residential aged care facilities
N Ailabouni, D Mangin, PS Nishtala
International journal of clinical pharmacy 41 (1), 167-178, 2019
Protocol for a Delphi consensus exercise to identify a core set of criteria for selecting health related outcome measures (HROM) to be used in primary health care
P Santaguida, L Dolovich, D Oliver, L Lamarche, A Gilsing, LE Griffith, ...
BMC family practice 19, 1-14, 2018
Prevalence and demographics of CKD in Canadian primary care practices: a cross-sectional study
AK Bello, PE Ronksley, N Tangri, J Kurzawa, MA Osman, A Singer, A Grill, ...
Kidney international reports 4 (4), 561-570, 2019
Clinical care and health disparities
B Starfield, J Gérvas, D Mangin
Annual review of public health 33 (1), 89-106, 2012
Deprescribing is an essential part of good prescribing
B Farrell, D Mangin
American family physician 99 (1), 7-9, 2019
Quality of chronic kidney disease management in Canadian primary care
AK Bello, PE Ronksley, N Tangri, J Kurzawa, MA Osman, A Singer, ...
JAMA Network Open 2 (9), e1910704-e1910704, 2019
General practitioners’ insight into deprescribing for the multimorbid older individual: a qualitative study
NJ Ailabouni, PS Nishtala, D Mangin, JM Tordoff
International Journal of Clinical Practice 70 (3), 261-276, 2016
Direct to consumer advertising
PR Mansfield, B Mintzes, D Richards, L Toop
BMJ 330 (7481), 5-6, 2004
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Articles 1–20