Nicole E. Rafferty
Cited by
Cited by
Physiological effects of climate warming on flowering plants and insect pollinators and potential consequences for their interactions
VL Scaven, NE Rafferty
Current Zoology 59 (3), 418-426, 2013
Effects of experimental shifts in flowering phenology on plant–pollinator interactions
NE Rafferty, AR Ives
Ecology Letters 14 (1), 69-74, 2011
Phenological shifts and the fate of mutualisms
NE Rafferty, PJ CaraDonna, JL Bronstein
Oikos 124 (1), 14-21, 2015
Pollinator effectiveness varies with experimental shifts in flowering time
NE Rafferty, AR Ives
Ecology 93 (4), 803-814, 2012
Olfactory mate recognition in a sympatric species pair of three-spined sticklebacks
NE Rafferty, JW Boughman
Behavioral Ecology 17 (6), 965-970, 2006
Phenological overlap of interacting species in a changing climate: an assessment of available approaches
NE Rafferty, PJ CaraDonna, LA Burkle, AM Iler, JL Bronstein
Ecology and Evolution 3 (9), 3183-3193, 2013
The diversity and evolution of pollination systems in large plant clades: Apocynaceae as a case study
J Ollerton, S Liede-Schumann, ME Endress, U Meve, AR Rech, ...
Annals of botany 123 (2), 311-325, 2019
Changing climate drives divergent and nonlinear shifts in flowering phenology across elevations
NE Rafferty, JM Diez, CD Bertelsen
Current Biology 30 (3), 432-441. e3, 2020
Phylogenetic trait-based analyses of ecological networks
NE Rafferty, AR Ives
Ecology 94 (10), 2321-2333, 2013
Effects of global change on insect pollinators: multiple drivers lead to novel communities
NE Rafferty
Current Opinion in Insect Science 23, 22-27, 2017
Evolution of plant–pollinator mutualisms in response to climate change
RT Gilman, NS Fabina, KC Abbott, NE Rafferty
Evolutionary Applications 5 (1), 2-16, 2012
Plant-pollinator interactions under climate change: the use of spatial and temporal transplants
EM Morton, NE Rafferty
Applications in Plant Sciences 5 (6), 1600133, 2017
A global test for phylogenetic signal in shifts in flowering time under climate change
NE Rafferty, PD Nabity
Journal of Ecology 105, 627-633, 2017
Later flowering is associated with a compressed flowering season and reduced reproductive output in an early season floral resource
NE Rafferty, CD Bertelsen, JL Bronstein
Oikos 125, 821-828, 2016
Confounding effects of spatial variation on shifts in phenology
CW de Keyzer, NE Rafferty, DW Inouye, JD Thomson
Global Change Biology 23, 1783-1791, 2017
Warming of experimental plant–pollinator communities advances phenologies, alters traits, reduces interactions and depresses reproduction
N de Manincor, A Fisogni, NE Rafferty
Ecology Letters 26 (2), 323-334, 2023
From the ground up: building predictions for how climate change will affect belowground mutualisms, floral traits, and bee behavior
AM Keeler, A Rose-Person, NE Rafferty
Climate Change Ecology 1, 100013, 2021
Intraclutch egg-size variation in Magellanic Penguins
NE Rafferty, PD Boersma, GA Rebstock
The Condor 107 (4), 921-926, 2005
Long-term changes in flowering synchrony reflect climatic changes across an elevational gradient
A Fisogni, N de Manincor, CD Bertelsen, NE Rafferty
Ecography 2022 (2), e06050, 2022
Evolutionary and ecological factors structure a plant-bumblebee network in a biodiversity hotspot, the Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains
H Liang, YH Zhao, NE Rafferty, ZX Ren, L Zhong, HD Li, DZ Li, H Wang
Functional Ecology 35 (11), 2523-2535, 2021
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Articles 1–20