Emily S. Reit
Emily S. Reit
Graduate Student, Stanford University
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Dominant, open nonverbal displays are attractive at zero-acquaintance
T Vacharkulksemsuk, E Reit, P Khambatta, PW Eastwick, EJ Finkel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (15), 4009-4014, 2016
From whom do we learn group norms? Low-ranking group members are perceived as the best sources
JE Dannals, ES Reit, DT Miller
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 161, 213-227, 2020
Managing hierarchy’s functions and dysfunctions: A relational perspective on leadership and followership
ES Reit, N Halevy
Current Opinion in Psychology 33, 126-130, 2020
The commonness fallacy: Commonly chosen options have less choice appeal than people think.
ES Reit, CR Critcher
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2019
Where the blame lies: Unpacking groups into their constituent subgroups shifts judgments of blame in intergroup conflict
N Halevy, I Maoz, P Vani, ES Reit
Psychological Science 33 (1), 76-89, 2022
Considering the role of second-order respect in individuals' deference to dominant actors
ES Reit, DH Gruenfeld
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 101, 104326, 2022
A legend in one's own mind: The link between ambition and leadership evaluations
S Alzahawi, ES Reit, FJ Flynn
PNAS nexus 3 (8), pgae295, 2024
Does ambition correspond to leadership aptitude?
E Reit, F Flynn
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 11424, 2021
Why Dominance Incites Deference: A Social Norms Account
E Reit, D Gruenfeld
Academy of Management Proceedings 2020 (1), 13543, 2020
" Where the blame lies: Unpacking groups into their constituent subgroups shifts judgments of blame in intergroup conflict": Erratum.
N Halevy, I Maoz, P Vani, ES Reit
Sage Publications, 2022
Where the Blame Lies: Unpacking Groups Into Their Constituent Subgroups Shifts Judgments of Blame in Intergroup Conflict (10.1177/09567976211026982, 2021)
N Halevy, I Maoz, P Vani, ES Reit
PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE 33 (1), 175-175, 2022
Re-Examining Dominance as an Antecedent of Social Rank Attainment
ES Reit
Stanford University, 2022
Where the Blame Lies: Unpacking Groups Shifts Judgments of Blame in Intergroup Conflict
N Halevy, I Maoz, P Vani, E Reit
Stanford University, Graduate School of Business Research Papers, 2021
Unexpected Pathways to Influence: New Research in Social Hierarchies
P Belmi, M Schaerer, AN Younge
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 11164, 2018
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Articles 1–14