Shiu Yin Yuen
Shiu Yin Yuen
Associate Professor, City University of Hong Kong
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Cited by
A genetic algorithm that adaptively mutates and never revisits
SY Yuen, CK Chow
IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation 13 (2), 454-472, 2008
An evolutionary algorithm that makes decision based on the entire previous search history
CK Chow, SY Yuen
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 15 (6), 741-769, 2011
Connective hough transform
SYK Yuen, TSL Lam, NKD Leung
Image and Vision Computing 11 (5), 295-301, 1993
A multiobjective evolutionary algorithm that diversifies population by its density
CK Chow, SY Yuen
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 16 (2), 149-172, 2011
A directional mutation operator for differential evolution algorithms
X Zhang, SY Yuen
Applied soft computing 30, 529-548, 2015
A fast marching formulation of perspective shape from shading under frontal illumination
SY Yuen, YY Tsui, CK Chow
Pattern Recognition Letters 28 (7), 806-824, 2007
Efficient technique for circle detection using hypothesis filtering and Hough transform
WCY Lam, SY Yuen
IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing 143 (5), 292-300, 1996
An improved artificial bee colony algorithm for optimal design of electromagnetic devices
X Zhang, X Zhang, SY Yuen, SL Ho, WN Fu
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 49 (8), 4811-4816, 2013
A non-revisiting genetic algorithm
SY Yuen, CK Chow
2007 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation, 4583-4590, 2007
An investigation of the nature of parameterization for the Hough transform
SY Yuen, CH Ma
Pattern Recognition 30 (6), 1009-1040, 1997
Genetic algorithm with competitive image labelling and least square
SY Yuen, CH Ma
Pattern Recognition 33 (12), 1949-1966, 2000
An unbiased active contour algorithm for object tracking
CL Lam, SY Yuen
Pattern Recognition Letters 19 (5-6), 491-498, 1998
Energy management and design of centralized air-conditioning systems through the non-revisiting strategy for heuristic optimization methods
KF Fong, SY Yuen, CK Chow, SW Leung
Applied Energy 87 (11), 3494-3506, 2010
An analysis on quantizing the Hough space
WCY Lam, LTS Lam, KSY Yuen, DNK Leung
Pattern Recognition Letters 15 (11), 1127-1135, 1994
Which algorithm should I choose: An evolutionary algorithm portfolio approach
SY Yuen, CK Chow, X Zhang, Y Lou
Applied Soft Computing 40, 654-673, 2016
Simulation–optimization of solar–thermal refrigeration systems for office use in subtropical Hong Kong
KF Fong, CK Lee, CK Chow, SY Yuen
Energy 36 (11), 6298-6307, 2011
On composing an algorithm portfolio
SY Yuen, X Zhang
Memetic Computing 7, 203-214, 2015
Shape from contour using symmetries
SYK Yuen
Computer Vision—ECCV 90: First European Conference on Computer Vision …, 1990
Parameter control system of evolutionary algorithm that is aided by the entire search history
SW Leung, SY Yuen, CK Chow
Applied Soft Computing 12 (9), 3063-3078, 2012
A novel artificial bee colony algorithm for HVAC optimization problems
X Zhang, KF Fong, SY Yuen
HVAC&R Research 19 (6), 715-731, 2013
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Articles 1–20