Paul Treitz
Paul Treitz
Professor of Geography and Planning, Queen's University
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LiDAR remote sensing of forest structure
K Lim, P Treitz, M Wulder, B St-Onge, M Flood
Progress in physical geography 27 (1), 88-106, 2003
Assessing forest metrics with a ground-based scanning lidar
C Hopkinson, L Chasmer, C Young-Pow, P Treitz
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34 (3), 573-583, 2004
Lidar remote sensing of biophysical properties of tolerant northern hardwood forests
K Lim, P Treitz, K Baldwin, I Morrison, J Green
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (5), 658-678, 2003
Application of satellite and GIS technologies for land-cover and land-use mapping at the rural-urban fringe: a case study
PM Treitz, PJ Howarth, P Gong
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 1992
Remote sensing for mapping and monitoring land-cover and land-use change—an introduction
P Treitz, J Rogan
Progress in planning 61 (4), 269-279, 2004
Estimation of above ground forest biomass from airborne discrete return laser scanner data using canopy-based quantile estimators
KS Lim, PM Treitz
Scandinavian journal of forest research 19 (6), 558-570, 2004
Hyperspectral remote sensing for estimating biophysical parameters of forest ecosystems
PM Treitz, PJ Howarth
Progress in Physical Geography 23 (3), 359-390, 1999
Vegetation class dependent errors in lidar ground elevation and canopy height estimates in a boreal wetland environment
C Hopkinson, LE Chasmer, G Sass, IF Creed, M Sitar, W Kalbfleisch, ...
Canadian journal of remote sensing 31 (2), 191-206, 2005
High spatial resolution remote sensing data for forest ecosystem classification: an examination of spatial scale
P Treitz, P Howarth
Remote sensing of environment 72 (3), 268-289, 2000
Operational implementation of a LiDAR inventory in Boreal Ontario
M Woods, D Pitt, M Penner, K Lim, D Nesbitt, D Etheridge, P Treitz
The Forestry Chronicle 87 (4), 512-528, 2011
Investigating laser pulse penetration through a conifer canopy by integrating airborne and terrestrial lidar
L Chasmer, C Hopkinson, P Treitz
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (2), 116-125, 2006
Mapping stand-level forest biophysical variables for a mixedwood boreal forest using lidar: an examination of scanning density
V Thomas, P Treitz, JH McCaughey, I Morrison
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36 (1), 34-47, 2006
LiDAR sampling density for forest resource inventories in Ontario, Canada
P Treitz, K Lim, M Woods, D Pitt, D Nesbitt, D Etheridge
Remote Sensing 4 (4), 830-848, 2012
Image classification of a northern peatland complex using spectral and plant community data
V Thomas, P Treitz, D Jelinski, J Miller, P Lafleur, JH McCaughey
Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (1), 83-99, 2003
Characterizing forest succession in Central Ontario using LiDAR-derived indices
KY van Ewijk, PM Treitz, NA Scott
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 77 (3), 261-269, 2011
Mapping snowpack depth beneath forest canopies using airborne lidar
C Hopkinson, M Sitar, L Chasmer, P Treitz
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 70 (3), 323-330, 2004
Mapping mangrove forests using multi-tidal remotely-sensed data and a decision-tree-based procedure
X Zhang, PM Treitz, D Chen, C Quan, L Shi, X Li
International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation 62 …, 2017
Integrating spectral, spatial, and terrain variables for forest ecosystem classification
P Treitz, P Howarth
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 66 (3), 305-318, 2000
Remote sensing of arctic vegetation: relations between the NDVI, spatial resolution and vegetation cover on Boothia Peninsula, Nunavut
GJ Laidler, PM Treitz, DM Atkinson
Arctic, 1-13, 2008
Application of detailed ground information to vegetation mapping with high spatial resolution digital imagery
PM Treitz, PJ Howarth, RC Suffling, P Smith
Remote Sensing of Environment 42 (1), 65-82, 1992
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Articles 1–20