Jean-Paul Mollicone
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Cited by
Drag reduction induced by superhydrophobic surfaces in turbulent pipe flow
R Costantini, JP Mollicone, F Battista
Physics of Fluids 30 (2), 2018
Effect of geometry and Reynolds number on the turbulent separated flow behind a bulge in a channel
JP Mollicone, F Battista, P Gualtieri, CM Casciola
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 823, 100-133, 2017
Turbulence dynamics in separated flows: the generalised Kolmogorov equation for inhomogeneous anisotropic conditions
JP Mollicone, F Battista, P Gualtieri, CM Casciola
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 841, 1012-1039, 2018
Exact regularised point particle (ERPP) method for particle-laden wall-bounded flows in the two-way coupling regime
F Battista, JP Mollicone, P Gualtieri, R Messina, CM Casciola
Journal of fluid mechanics 878, 420-444, 2019
Connecting the time evolution of the turbulence interface to coherent structures
MM Neamtu-Halic, D Krug, JP Mollicone, M Van Reeuwijk, G Haller, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 898, 2020
Application of the exact regularized point particle method (ERPP) to particle laden turbulent shear flows in the two-way coupling regime
F Battista, P Gualtieri, JP Mollicone, CM Casciola
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 101, 113-124, 2018
Spatially evolving cascades in temporal planar jets
A Cimarelli, JP Mollicone, M Van Reeuwijk, E De Angelis
Journal of fluid Mechanics 910, A19, 2021
Role of vortical structures for enstrophy and scalar transport in flows with and without stable stratification
MM Neamtu-Halic, JP Mollicone, M van Reeuwijk, M Holzner
Journal of Turbulence 22 (7), 393-412, 2021
Particles in turbulent separated flow over a bump: Effect of the Stokes number and lift force
JP Mollicone, M Sharifi, F Battista, P Gualtieri, CM Casciola
Physics of Fluids 31 (10), 2019
Analysis of interscale energy transfer in a boundary layer undergoing bypass transition
H Yao, JP Mollicone, G Papadakis
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 941, A14, 2022
Superhydrophobic surfaces to reduce form drag in turbulent separated flows
JP Mollicone, F Battista, P Gualtieri, CM Casciola
AIP Advances 12 (7), 2022
Transition from shear-dominated to Rayleigh–Taylor turbulence
S Brizzolara, JP Mollicone, M van Reeuwijk, A Mazzino, M Holzner
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 924, 2021
Structure of turbulence in temporal planar jets
A Cimarelli, A Fregni, JP Mollicone, M Van Reeuwijk, E De Angelis
Physics of Fluids 34 (4), 2022
Entrainment at multi-scales in shear-dominated and Rayleigh–Taylor turbulence
S Brizzolara, JP Mollicone, M van Reeuwijk, M Holzner
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 101, 294-302, 2023
Drag increase and turbulence augmentation in two-way coupled particle-laden wall-bounded flows
F Battista, P Gualtieri, JP Mollicone, F Salvadore, CM Casciola
Physics of Fluids 35 (4), 2023
DNS of a lower curved wall channel: turbulent separation
JP Mollicone, F Battista, CM Casciola
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation X, 449-454, 2018
Energy fluxes in turbulent separated flows
JP Mollicone, F Battista, P Gualtieri, CM Casciola
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 759 (1), 012003, 2016
Numerical Simulation Method of Hydraulic Power Take-Off of Point-Absorbing Wave Energy Device Based on Simulink
F Jing, S Wang, T Sant, C Micallef, JP Mollicone
Energies 17 (14), 3590, 2024
Countergradient turbulent transport in a plume with a crossflow
D Fenton, A Cimarelli, JP Mollicone, M van Reeuwijk, E De Angelis
Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 1-18, 2024
Entrainment at multi-scales: the case of Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence
S Brizzolara, JP Mollicone, M van Reeuwijk, M Holzner
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2023
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Articles 1–20