Jae-Yung Kwon
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Vancouver transcatheter aortic valve replacement clinical pathway: minimalist approach, standardized care, and discharge criteria to reduce length of stay
SB Lauck, DA Wood, J Baumbusch, JY Kwon, D Stub, L Achtem, P Blanke, ...
Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 9 (3), 312-321, 2016
The clinical instructor role in nursing education: A structured literature review
S Dahlke, J Baumbusch, F Affleck, JY Kwon
Journal of Nursing Education 51 (12), 692-696, 2012
Implications of response shift for micro-, meso-, and macro-level healthcare decision-making using results of patient-reported outcome measures
R Sawatzky, JY Kwon, R Barclay, C Chauhan, L Frank, WB van den Hout, ...
Quality of Life Research, 1-15, 2021
Self-esteem and the initiation of substance use among adolescents
CG Richardson, JY Kwon, PA Ratner
Canadian journal of public health 104, e60-e63, 2013
Nurses “seeing forest for the trees” in the age of machine learning: using nursing knowledge to improve relevance and performance
JY Kwon, ME Karim, M Topaz, LM Currie
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 37 (4), 203-212, 2019
Masculinity and fatherhood: New fathers’ perceptions of their female partners’ efforts to assist them to reduce or quit smoking
JY Kwon, JL Oliffe, JL Bottorff, MT Kelly
American journal of men's health 9 (4), 332-339, 2015
Growth mixture models: a case example of the longitudinal analysis of patient‐reported outcomes data captured by a clinical registry
JY Kwon, R Sawatzky, J Baumbusch, S Lauck, PA Ratner
BMC Medical Research Methodology 21, 1-11, 2021
Interpretation and use of patient-reported outcome measures through a philosophical lens
JY Kwon, S Thorne, R Sawatzky
Quality of Life Research 28, 629-636, 2019
Workplace continuing education for nurses caring for hospitalised older people
J Baumbusch, M Shaw, ME Leblanc, M Kjorven, JY Kwon, L Blackburn, ...
International Journal of Older People Nursing, 2017
Avoidance of urinary catheterization to minimize in-hospital complications after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: An observational study
SB Lauck, JY Kwon, DA Wood, J Baumbusch, TM Norekvål, N Htun, ...
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 17 (1), 66-74, 2018
Heterosexual gender relations and masculinity in fathers who smoke
JY Kwon, JL Oliffe, JL Bottorff, MT Kelly
Research in Nursing & Health 37 (5), 391-398, 2014
Development of the global self-esteem measure: a pilot study
G Rajlic, JY Kwon, K Roded, AM Hubley
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 37 (7), 863-873, 2019
Personas to guide understanding traditions of gay men living with HIV who smoke
JC Phillips, DJ Rowsell, J Boomer, JY Kwon, LM Currie
Qualitative health research 26 (1), 41-54, 2016
Examining gender-related differential item functioning of the Veterans Rand 12-item Health Survey
JY Kwon, R Sawatzky
Quality of Life Research 26, 2877-2883, 2017
Collaborative peer review process as an informal interprofessional learning tool: Findings from an exploratory study
JY Kwon, LY Bulk, Z Giannone, S Liva, B Chakraborty, H Brown
Journal of Interprofessional Care 32 (1), 101-103, 2018
Appreciating the persona paradox: lessons from participatory design sessions with HIV+ gay men
JY Kwon, C Phillips, LM Currie
Nursing Informatics 2014, 133-139, 2014
Patient-reported outcomes measurement in radiation oncology: interpretation of individual scores and change over time in clinical practice
JY Kwon, L Russell, T Coles, RJ Klaassen, K Schick-Makaroff, KM Sibley, ...
Current Oncology 29 (5), 3093-3103, 2022
Response Shift–in Sync Working Group Implications of response shift for micro-, meso-, and macro-level healthcare decision-making using results of patient-reported outcome measures
R Sawatzky, JY Kwon, R Barclay, C Chauhan, L Frank, WB van den Hout, ...
Qual. Life Res 30, 3343-3357, 2021
Seeing the person before the numbers: Personas for understanding patients’ life stories when using patient-reported outcome measures in practice settings
JY Kwon, M Moynihan, F Lau, AC Wolff, MJ Torrejon, G Irlbacher, L Hung, ...
International Journal of Medical Informatics 172, 105016, 2023
The use of generic patient-reported outcome measures in emergency department surveys: discriminant validity evidence for the Veterans RAND 12-item health survey and the EQ-5D
JY Kwon, L Cuthbertson, R Sawatzky
Value in Health 25 (12), 1939-1946, 2022
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Articles 1–20