Nicolas Robitaille
Nicolas Robitaille
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Dissociation of the N2pc and sustained posterior contralateral negativity in a choice response task
P Jolicœur, B Brisson, N Robitaille
Brain research 1215, 160-172, 2008
Spatial attention freezes during the attention blink
R Dell'Acqua, P Sessa, P Jolicœur, N Robitaille
Psychophysiology 43 (4), 394-400, 2006
On the control of visual spatial attention: Evidence from human electrophysiology
P Jolicœur, P Sessa, R Dell’Acqua, N Robitaille
Psychological research 70, 414-424, 2006
When more is less: Extraction of summary statistics benefits from larger sets
N Robitaille, IM Harris
Journal of vision 11 (12), 18-18, 2011
Oscillatory activity in parietal and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during retention in visual short‐term memory: additive effects of spatial attention and memory load
S Grimault, N Robitaille, C Grova, JM Lina, AS Dubarry, P Jolicœur
Human brain mapping 30 (10), 3378-3392, 2009
Attentional control and capture in the attentional blink paradigm: Evidence from human electrophysiology
P Jolicœur, P Sessa, R Dell'Acqua, N Robitaille
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 18 (4), 560-578, 2006
Distinguishing between lateralized and nonlateralized brain activity associated with visual short-term memory: fMRI, MEG, and EEG evidence from the same observers
N Robitaille, R Marois, J Todd, S Grimault, D Cheyne, P Jolicœur
Neuroimage 53 (4), 1334-1345, 2010
Bilateral parietal and contralateral responses during maintenance of unilaterally encoded objects in visual short‐term memory: Evidence from magnetoencephalography
N Robitaille, S Grimault, P Jolicœur
Psychophysiology 46 (5), 1090-1099, 2009
Fundamental properties of the N2pc as an index of spatial attention: effects of masking.
N Robitaille, P Jolicoeur
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2006
Attending to pitch information inhibits processing of pitch information: the curious case of amusia
BR Zendel, MÉ Lagrois, N Robitaille, I Peretz
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (9), 3815-3824, 2015
Stimulus intensity affects the latency but not the amplitude of the N2pc
B Brisson, N Robitaille, P Jolicœur
Neuroreport 18 (15), 1627-1630, 2007
Congenital amusia persists in the developing brain after daily music listening
G Mignault Goulet, P Moreau, N Robitaille, I Peretz
PLoS One 7 (5), e36860, 2012
A Virtual Reality avatar interaction (VRai) platform to assess residual executive dysfunction in active military personnel with previous mild traumatic brain injury: proof of …
N Robitaille, PL Jackson, LJ Hébert, C Mercier, LJ Bouyer, S Fecteau, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 12 (7), 758-764, 2017
Interactive virtual feedback improves gait motor imagery after spinal cord injury: An exploratory study
M Roosink, N Robitaille, PL Jackson, LJ Bouyer, C Mercier
Restorative neurology and neuroscience 34 (2), 227-235, 2016
Attentional and anatomical considerations for the representation of simple stimuli in visual short-term memory: evidence from human electrophysiology
R Perron, C Lefebvre, N Robitaille, B Brisson, F Gosselin, M Arguin, ...
Psychological research 73, 222-232, 2009
Real-time modulation of visual feedback on human full-body movements in a virtual mirror: development and proof-of-concept
M Roosink, N Robitaille, BJ McFadyen, LJ Hébert, PL Jackson, LJ Bouyer, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 12, 1-10, 2015
Short-term consolidation of visual patterns interferes with visuo-spatial attention: Converging evidence from human electrophysiology
N Robitaille, P Jolicœur, R Dell'Acqua, P Sessa
Brain research 1185, 158-169, 2007
Activation in the right inferior parietal lobule reflects the representation of musical structure beyond simple pitch discrimination
I Royal, DT Vuvan, BR Zendel, N Robitaille, M Schönwiesner, I Peretz
PLoS One 11 (5), e0155291, 2016
Brain activity is related to individual differences in the number of items stored in auditory short-term memory for pitch: Evidence from magnetoencephalography
S Grimault, S Nolden, C Lefebvre, F Vachon, K Hyde, I Peretz, R Zatorre, ...
Neuroimage 94, 96-106, 2014
Load‐dependent Brain Activity Related to Acoustic Short‐term Memory for Pitch: Magnetoencephalography and fMRI
S Grimault, C Lefebvre, F Vachon, I Peretz, R Zatorre, N Robitaille, ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1169 (1), 273-277, 2009
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