Dalia A. Hamdy
Dalia A. Hamdy
Clinical Assistant Professor-Faculty of Pharmacy
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Novel cremochylomicrons for improved oral bioavailability of the antineoplastic phytomedicine berberine chloride: Optimization and pharmacokinetics
MA Elsheikh, YSR Elnaggar, DA Hamdy, OY Abdallah
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 535 (1-2), 316-324, 2018
Pharmacokinetics of desethylamiodarone in the rat after its administration as the preformed metabolite, and after administration of amiodarone
A Shayeganpour, DA Hamdy, DR Brocks
Biopharmaceutics & Drug Disposition 29 (3), 159-166, 2008
Spectrophotometric methods for the determination of Ibuprofen in tablets.
AA Wahbi, E Hassan, D Hamdy, E Khamis, M Barary
Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences 18 (4), 1-6, 2005
HPTLC determination of three gliptins in binary mixtures with metformin
EI El-Kimary, DA Hamdy, SS Mourad, MA Barary
Journal of chromatographic science 54 (1), 79-87, 2016
Stability-indicating HPLC-DAD method for the determination of linagliptin in tablet dosage form: application to degradation kinetics
SS Mourad, EI El-Kimary, DA Hamdy, MA Barary
Journal of chromatographic science 54 (9), 1560-1566, 2016
A stereospecific high‐performance liquid chromatographic assay for the determination of ketoconazole enantiomers in rat plasma
DA Hamdy, DR Brocks
Biomedical chromatography 22 (5), 542-547, 2008
Applications for pharmacogenomics in pharmacy practice: A scoping review
M Hayashi, DA Hamdy, SH Mahmoud
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy 18 (7), 3094-3118, 2022
Studying the knowledge, attitude and practice of antibiotic misuse among Alexandria population
RM El-Hawy, MI Ashmawy, MM Kamal, HA Khamis, NMA El-Hamed, ...
European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy 24 (6), 349-354, 2017
High performance liquid chromatographic assay for the simultaneous determination of midazolam and ketoconazole in plasma
DA Hamdy, DR Brocks
Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 53 (3), 617-622, 2010
Nonlinear stereoselective pharmacokinetics of ketoconazole in rat after administration of racemate
DA Hamdy, DR Brocks
Chirality: The Pharmacological, Biological, and Chemical Consequences of …, 2009
Experimental hyperlipidemia causes an increase in the electrocardiographic changes associated with amiodarone
DA Hamdy, DR Brocks
Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology 53 (1), 1-8, 2009
Development of a polymeric micellar formulation for valspodar and assessment of its pharmacokinetics in rat
Z Binkhathlan, DA Hamdy, DR Brocks, A Lavasanifar
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 75 (2), 90-95, 2010
Bayesian estimation of pharmacokinetic parameters: an important component to include in the teaching of clinical pharmacokinetics and therapeutic drug monitoring
DR Brocks, DA Hamdy
Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 15 (6), 503-514, 2020
A Comparative Study of Newly Developed HPLC‐DAD and UHPLC‐UV Assays for the Determination of Posaconazole in Bulk Powder and Suspension Dosage Form
DA Hamdy, TS Belal
Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 2014 (1), 241035, 2014
Posaconazole‐Vincristine Coadministration Triggers Seizure in a Young Female Adult: A Case Report
DA Hamdy, H El-Geed, S El-Salem, M Zaidan
Case Reports in Hematology 2012 (1), 343742, 2012
Effect of rat serum lipoproteins on mRNA levels and amiodarone metabolism by cultured primary rat hepatocytes
DR Brocks, DA Hamdy, M Ben‐Eltriki, JP Patel, AO El‐Kadi
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 102 (1), 262-270, 2013
The effect of increased lipoprotein levels on the pharmacokinetics of ketoconazole enantiomers in the rat
DA Hamdy, DR Brocks
Xenobiotica 41 (2), 137-143, 2011
High performance liquid chromatographic assay for the simultaneous determination of posaconazole and vincristine in rat plasma
HA Khalil, AF El-Yazbi, TS Belal, DA Hamdy
International Journal of Analytical Chemistry 2015 (1), 743915, 2015
Effect of serum lipoproteins on stereoselective halofantrine metabolism by rat hepatocytes
JP Patel, DA Hamdy, AO El‐Kadi, DR Brocks
Chirality 24 (7), 558-565, 2012
Pharmacokinetics of PSC 833 (valspodar) in its Cremophor EL formulation in rat
Z Binkhathlan, DA Hamdy, DR Brocks, A Lavasanifar
Xenobiotica 40 (1), 55-61, 2010
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Articles 1–20