Alex Bitektine
Alex Bitektine
JMSB - Concordia University
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Toward a theory of social judgments of organizations: The case of legitimacy, reputation, and status
A Bitektine
Academy of management review 36 (1), 151-179, 2011
The “macro” and the “micro” of legitimacy: Toward a multilevel theory of the legitimacy process
A Bitektine, P Haack
Academy of management review 40 (1), 49-75, 2015
R Suddaby, A Bitektine, P Haack
Academy of Management Annals 11 (1), 451-478, 2017
Prospective case study design: Qualitative method for deductive theory testing
A Bitektine
Organizational research methods 11 (1), 160-180, 2008
Legitimacy. Academy of Management Annals, 11 (1), 451–478
ROY Suddaby, A Bitektine, P Haack
Organizational legitimacy, reputation, and status: Insights from micro-level measurement
A Bitektine, K Hill, F Song, C Vandenberghe
Academy of Management Discoveries 6 (1), 107-136, 2020
The deinstitutionalization of institutional theory? Exploring divergent agendas in institutional research
RJ David, AB Bitektine
The SAGE handbook of organizational research methods, 160-175, 2009
Global sustainability pressures and strategic choice: The role of firms’ structures and non-market capabilities in selection and implementation of sustainability initiatives
S Poisson-de Haro, A Bitektine
Journal of World Business 50 (2), 326-341, 2015
Institutions under a microscope: Experimental methods in institutional theory
A Bitektine, J Lucas, O Schilke
Unconventional methodology in organization and management research. Oxford …, 2018
On the role of institutional logics in legitimacy evaluations: The effects of pricing and CSR signals on organizational legitimacy
A Bitektine, F Song
Journal of Management 49 (3), 1070-1105, 2023
Legitimacy-based entry deterrence in inter-population competition
A Bitektine
Corporate Reputation Review 11, 73-93, 2008
Inhabited Actors: Internalizing Institutions through Communication and Actorhood Models
A Bitektine, P Haack, J Bothello, J Mair
Journal of Management Studies 57 (4), 885-897, 2020
Methods, theories, data, and the social dynamics of organizational research
A Bitektine, D Miller
Journal of Management Inquiry 24 (2), 115-130, 2015
“Invincibles” and “invisibles”: CEO status and the ‘Matthew effect’in strategic decision-making
R Fralich, A Bitektine
Long Range Planning 53 (3), 101887, 2020
Firm status and evaluators’ trust: The many ways to trust a firm
F Song, A Bitektine
Journal of Business Ethics 153, 503-518, 2018
The Sage handbook of organizational research methods
L Fitzgerald, S Dopson, D Buchanan, A Bryman
Sage Publications, 2009
Toward a multi-level theory of institutional contestation: Exploring category legitimation across domains of institutional action
A Bitektine, R Nason
Microfoundations of institutions, 43-65, 2019
What makes us faddish?: Resource space constraints and the" garbage can" model of social science research
A Bitektine
Scandinavian Journal of Management 25 (2), 217-220, 2009
Experiments in organization and management research
A Bitektine, J Lucas, O Schilke, B Aeon
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management, 2022
Exploring slow institutional variables in healthcare context: A study of electronic health record in Canada
A Bitektine
Proceedings of the 2008 annual 152 Mikhail Fiadotau et al, 2008
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Articles 1–20