Lucas Graves
Cited by
Cited by
Deciding What’s True: The rise of political fact-checking in American journalism
L Graves
Deciding What’s True, 336, 2016
The Rise of Fact-Checking Sites in Europe
L Graves
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, 2016
" News you don't believe": Audience perspectives on fake news
R Nielsen, L Graves
Reuters Institute for the Study of Jounalism, 2017
Boundaries not drawn: Mapping the institutional roots of the global fact-checking movement
L Graves
Journalism studies 19 (5), 613-631, 2018
Understanding the promise and limits of automated fact-checking
L Graves
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, 2018
Measuring the reach of 'fake news' and online disinformation in Europe
R Fletcher, A Cornia, L Graves, RK Nielsen
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, 2018
Understanding innovations in journalistic practice: A field experiment examining motivations for fact-checking
L Graves, B Nyhan, J Reifler
Journal of communication 66 (1), 102-138, 2016
Anatomy of a fact check: Objective practice and the contested epistemology of fact checking
L Graves
Communication, culture & critique 10 (3), 518-537, 2017
The story so far: What we know about the business of digital journalism
B Grueskin, A Seave, L Graves
Columbia University Press, 2011
The affordances of blogging: A case study in culture and technological effects
L Graves
Journal of Communication Inquiry 31 (4), 331-346, 2007
Fact-checking as idea and practice in journalism
L Graves, M Amazeen
Oxford University Press, 2019
Correcting political and consumer misperceptions: The effectiveness and effects of rating scale versus contextual correction formats
MA Amazeen, E Thorson, A Muddiman, L Graves
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 95 (1), 28-48, 2018
Qualitative political communication| sharing the news: Journalistic collaboration as field repair
L Graves, M Konieczna
International Journal of Communication 9, 19, 2015
Deciding what's true: Fact-checking journalism and the new ecology of news
L Graves
Columbia University, 2013
The fact-checking universe in Spring 2012
L Graves, T Glaisyer
New America, 2012
Confusion online: Faulty metrics and the future of digital journalism
L Graves, J Kelly, M Gluck
Tow Center for Digital Journalism, Columbia University. Recuperado de http …, 2010
Discipline and promote: Building infrastructure and managing algorithms in a “structured journalism” project by professional fact-checking groups
L Graves, CW Anderson
New media & society 22 (2), 342-360, 2020
Changes in third-party content on European news websites after GDPR
T Libert, L Graves, R Nielsen
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism Reports: Factsheet, 2018
Pay models for online news in the US and Europe: 2019 update
D Graves, F Simon
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, 2019
Amid political spin and online misinformation, fact checking adapts
L Graves, A Mantzarlis
The Political Quarterly 91 (3), 585-591, 2020
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Articles 1–20