Top publications
h5-index is the h-index for articles published in the last 5 complete years. It is the largest number h such that h articles published in 2019-2023 have at least h citations each.hide
h5-median for a publication is the median number of citations for the articles that make up its h5-index.hide
1.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering102144
2.Journal of Computational Physics89137
3.Applied Mathematics and Computation77102
4.Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics5883
5.SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing5788
6.SIAM Journal on Optimization5673
7.Computers & Mathematics with Applications5378
8.Computational & Applied Mathematics4659
9.Journal of Scientific Computing4472
10.Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements4352
11.SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis4255
12.Foundations of Computational Mathematics4159
13.Applied Numerical Mathematics4153
14.Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations4059
15.Numerical Algorithms3951
16.IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis3859
17.Mathematics of Computation3452
18.Communications in Computational Physics3358
19.Numerische Mathematik3344
20.Optimization Methods and Software3252
Dates and citation counts are estimated and are determined automatically by a computer program.